Chapter Fifty-Five

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~day 20 of 20~
Omd, the last day! I did this 20 days thing to celebrate 20k...i now have over 40k. I gained so much in such a short amount of time and I can't thank you enough! Here's to 50k? Or is that being ambitious?!

After this chapter, quality and length will return back to normal. I have also tweaked my update schedual. Each new chapter I will tell you when I'm next updating, so I don't feel pressurised xx
"How are you coping with the whole Zalfie sinking thing?" Charlie asks a week later.

"I'm holding up okay, I suppose." I answer as she links arms with me as we head to History together.

Over the last week, we had become really close. My other friends hated my relationship with her as she's a 'bad influence'. Just because of her past doesn't judge her present!

"So, what's your next video gonna be about?" Charlie asks excitedly.

"I'm not sure yet." I answer back honestly. "Maybe a 'what's in my school bag'."

Charlie pats my leather satchel backpack "Good idea. I'd love to know what's in there." She wiggles her eyebrows and we both laugh.

As we reach history, Connor walks past us. He looks like usual Connor: straight face and in a rush. I look after him as he walks into another classroom.

"He's cute." Charlie giggles.

"Mmm-hmm." I agree, and I really was agreeing. I wish I was still with him. I miss him so much.

"Do you know him?" Charlie asks.

I hesitate. "No. No, I don't have a clue who he is." I lie with a fake smile.

What did you just do Peppa?!

"I might talk to him after." Charlie debates.

Oh no. Please don't.

"Oh really? That'd be nice."


"D'you think? I can be a little nervous." Charlie shrugs.

Please be nervous enough to not speak to him.

"Just go for it!" I advise.

Okay, Peppa. When we get home I'm gonna teach you a lesson.


And so that's what she did after history. Connor appeared at the door and she waved shyly at him. I stood behind Charlie and I knew Connor saw me.

He glared for a few seconds before happily waving back.

He really knows how to annoy me.

QOTD: how are you? How's your day been/ how's it going?
AOTD: not too bad. we did house games with the boys in PE and we did basketball. I scored 4 for our team and they were all saying how good I was 😂

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