Chapter Fourty-One

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~Day 6 of 20~

And before I start, I just want to dedicate this chapter to hannaherikssoooon because she is the sweetest most amazing person ever.

Oh God I think to myself as they both walk into the same restaurant.

This was one of those moments you just wanted the ground to swallow you up.

They both sat down, looking slightly nervous. I hated seeing this, and looking over to Zoe, it was obvious she did too.

"Should we just turn it over?" I suggest.

"No no." Zoe says.

"But I'm on it." I admit.

"It'll be fine." Zoe pats me on the knee.

I take a deep sigh as Alfie and the woman order drinks. She's ordering her red wine. I think to myself.

What if they don't even show me throwing her drink over her and shouting? They probably will knowing television and media.

Then I recognise that red dress and my ombre curls. Uh-oh. Connor walks in too, right behind me. He straighten s his suit up and takes a deep breath before following me over to the table. Awh.

I see the waiter bringing over Alfie and Plastics drinks with the commentator of the show saying "and here are the drinks. Now the night it really underway."

I keep my eye on myself, cringing and dreading the minutes to come. I see myself realise it's Alfie: it lights up. Then I see my face realise he's with another woman: it glares. I hear Zoe chuckle at my facial expressions. This is the part I'm dreading.

I push my chair away from me and storm over to their table. Connor looks confused as I reach for the crimson liquid and throw it into the woman's face.

"Where did that come from?!" The commentator laughs.

Alfie looks horrified and so did the rest of the restaurant. Zoe gasped and then laughed slightly while I shut my eyes, not wanting to see anymore.

I hear my shouts of "You will NEVER be like Zoe!" And the commentator laughing and making stupid comments.

I just couldn't watch anymore. I raced upstairs, feeling the most embarrassed I have ever been.

Immediatly, my phone started going crazy with tweet notifications. Oh no.


No QOTD today guys, but all I want to say is I love you all LOADS and thank you for everything xxx

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