Chapter Twelve

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As Ashlyn and I walk to our History class, I realise that Annika is in my class too.

As my teacher was strict, she made me sit with someone I didn't know.

The girl I was sat next to had pink, pastel hair that looked for sure against school rules. It reached her waist and he had pale skin. She was one of those people who looked like they didn't care about breaking the rules. I know you should never judge a book by its cover, but I decided she was a rebel.

"Hi." I shyly smile at her, placing my book down. I saw Ashlyn was sat in front of me, so I felt okay.

"Hey." she curls the side of her mouth into a sort-of smile. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Peppa."

"Snort snort!" she mimics Peppa Pig.

(a/n: pretty sure, if you're from the US, you won't know who Peppa Pig is, but she's a children's cartoon character)

I shoot her a death glare "who are you then?" I try to get over it; it's not like I'm unused to it.

"I'm Alyssa." she taps her pencil on the desk and then, without warning, throws it right at Ashlyn's back.

She laughs at her as she tries to pick it up, obviously with great difficulty because of her wheelchair.

"Hey!" I shout at Alyssa as I help Ashlyn.

"What?" Alyssa says rudely.

As I gave Ashlyn back her pencil, she whispers "thanks. Alyssa's been bullying me for ages now."

I wasn't surprised: Alyssa wasn't a very nice looking girl. She was really pretty, but her personality defiantly didn't match her looks.

After then end of the lesson, I walk with Ashlyn and Annika to the cafeteria to grab some food. Just as we left the History building, Alyssa sneakily came up behind Ashlyn and pushed her wheelchair straight into a lamppost.

"Why did you do that?!" I yell at her while Annika helped Ashlyn.

"She was in my way." Alyssa answers casually.

"There is such a thing called manners!" I shout at her as she sways away with her friends.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it." Ashlyn bravely smiles.

"You shouldn't be used to it though." I mumble. I hate bullying. Mild bullying like mine isn't to bad, and that's only because of my name. I never got physically hurt. This wasn't mild bullying. Ashly could get physically hurt!

The rest of the day went really quickly, and before I knew it, I was walking down the road to meet Zoe.

I ran into her warm arms.

"How was your first day sweetie?" she asks as we get into the car.

"Okay, except that I made a friend who gets bullied because she's in a wheelchair." I frown.

"Cor," Zoe says in her Wiltshire accent "aren't some people horrid?!"

"Very." I agree and we drove off.

As we got home, I heard the familiar laugh of Gabby.

"Gabby!" I shout, running in and giving her a hug.

"Hi!" she grins "good first day?"

"Yup." I take out my History homework, wanting to get started straight away so I could watch YouTube and hang out with Zoe and Alfie.

"Ooh! I was good at History." Gabby flicks through the question sheet. "Got an A*." she says proudly.

"Do you think you could help me? I haven't studied what they're studying." I ask hopefully.

"Of course!" she jumps up and we head to the dining room to get started. Gabby knew all the answers, so it was done quickly.

"Okay, because I helped you with your work, could you help me with mine?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Do you want to help me film a video? I don't have one for tonight. I'm only doing a Q&A."

I jump up at the chance "yes please!" I clap my hands and do a dance. I was happy to be helping with something YouTube related.

After fiddling with the wires and the focus, we were finally ready to start the video. It was just like watching a YouTube video, except in 3D! I enjoyed every minuet of it, and laughed at funny parts and fixed things when they went wrong.

After filming, Gabby went to edit and I went to see Alfie as he had just got home from London.

Alfie POV:

After a long day at work, I finally returned home.

"I'm home!" I yell and just at that time, Peppa comes racing to see me.

"Hey little one!" She jumps and I swing her around and around, ending in a hug. "Good day at school?"

She nods "good day at work?"

I nod back "I've got some exciting news!"

"What is it?" Zoe peeps her head round the door.

"Connor and Joey are coming over from the US and I said they could stay here!" I saw Peppa's face light up. She was so cute. I honestly loved her to pieces.

"They're coming next Monday." I tell them as I walk into the kitchen, after a cup of tea, Gabby says she needs to go.

"Bye!" we all wave.

"Peppa?" I say "I think we should introduce you to the subscribers. What do you think."

"Good idea." she smiles. We set up the camera and decide to do one video that can be uploaded on my channel and on Zoe's.

"Hello everyone!" Zoe and I say at the same time.

"So, if you follow us on Twitter, you'll know that we've had a couple weeks off." Zoe starts.

"Yes, this is because of something very exciting. As Zoe and I can't have children together..." I tell the camera.

"We adopted!" We both finish. We beckon Peppa into view and introduce her.

"Guys this is Peppa, Peppa these are our subscribers." Zoe points to Peppa and the camera as she speaks.

"Hi!" Peppa waves to the camera."

"So Peppa is a twelve- soon to be thirteen- girl and loves YouTube and Pizaa!" we all laugh.

"We hope you like her, we certainly do! She'll be in daily vlogs and things so we can't wait." Zoe gives Peppa a hug. I join the hug and as Peppa was in the middle, we squish her in our bear hug.

"Ahh!" she squeals and then she says herself the outro.

"Thanks for watching guys, if you enjoyed then give it a thumbs up...?" she turns to me unsurely. I nod to encourage her and she keeps going "and Zoe and Alfie will see you on Sunday! Bye!" we all wave before having another group hug.

I'm really proud of her for doing that. At least the subscribers know now so I can start daily vlogging again!

Sorry I didn't update for a little while guys, I had after school club. thanks for 400 reads too xx

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