Chapter One

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"Peppa!" my mum shouts from the bottom of the stairs "school starts in half-an-hour! Get down here!"

I groan and lift myself reluctantly out of my warm bed. School. Urgh. I had already slept in on the first day back after the Christmas holidays: typical me.

I jumped in the shower and smothered Zoella shower cream all over my pale body. I stepped out and covered myself in her body lotion too, and strut off to my bedroom. I take out my boring school uniform from my cupboard and look at the time: 8:20. I had 10 minuets!

I raced downstairs after spraying myself in 'Zoella Blissful Mistful' perfume and add a touch of makeup from my Zoella beauty bag (see the pattern here? I'm pretty obsessed!)

Just in time, I arrive at school -out of breath- but at least I'm still here.

"That was a close one, Peppa..." My creepy form teacher hissed. I shuddered at the mention of my name, Peppa. I used to get picked on for my name, people used to call me a pig because of Peppa Pig, and I still get it now, but oh well.

I crept into the green and brown themed room that always made me feel sick. The smell of pickles hung in the dust filled air and the sounds of students repeatedly scribbling away on paper met my ears. I hate my form.

"Peppa! Sit down and revise how to find the speed of something using distance and time." Mrs Hadlow told me sternly.

I slide my feet over to my desk by the window and bring out my Zoella pencil case and my notepads. I stare out of the fingerprinted window at the fields of Devon, where I live.

"Peppa!" Mrs Hadlow frowned, her wrinkles sinking into her old face even more so.

I sighed and turned to face my work, drawing out the triangle...

Finally, the bell went for the first lesson. Being in a form with Mrs Hadlow feels like having a first lesson; it's torture!

I tap my best friend, Keira, on the shoulders and she turns around surprised, her two French braids fall down her head and tumble onto her shoulders perfectly.

"Peppa!" she squeals, giving me a hug. Even though we had seen each other most days over the holidays, we both sill got excited to see each other.

We walk to History together, arm in arm. Lining up outside the door, he walks towards me. Connor.

I begin to smile, but it fades away as I see he's only heading towards the girl behind me.

Connor is two years above me in school, but I still have a pretty big crush on him. His gorgeous blue eyes, his perfectly quiffed mouse coloured hair and his timid personality. He was a geek to say the least, but that's cute. I like geeks.

I sigh as he smiles at Alisha, the girl that everyone says he likes. Nothing will ever happen between us. Ever.

"Whatcha looking at?" Keira asks, looking in the same direction. "Oh." She says bluntly as she sees Connor and Alisha laughing at something.

"Yes, 'oh'." I agree.

We all walk into class and get started on our 'Great Fire Of London' work in silence.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I bumped into Connor once, as he seems to have a similar timetable to me. He smiled shyly at me and I return the koi look. Blushing, I head over to the lunch table where my friends and I sit.

"Hi!" Eddie smiles at me.

"Hi!" I smile back.

"Do you know where Ella is?" Joe comes over to the table, carrying his usual mound of food.

"No..." I trail off. Ella and Joe were going out. Things were pretty slow at the moment, but it's getting there.

After Keira and Ella arrived, we all started talking about anything and everything and laughing as Ella mixed leftover jam with Pepsi in an empty bottle.

After school, I walk home with Ella and Keira, discussing YouTube.

"Have you seen Zoe's new video?" Ella gasps.

"Yes! It's amazing isn't it?" I say.

"Is it the GRWM beach walk?" Keira asks. We both nod and she squeals "oh! I love that! Have you seen Alfie's? What about Joes? Tanya's?"

And we all go on and on about the passion we all share.

Sorry I haven't been updating this, I've been pretty busy lately! Plus all the typos and stuff! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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