Chapter Sixty-One

6.6K 203 64

Yay! Outfits are back!
There's something I need to tell you guys quickly: yesterday evening I was really close to 65k (like 64.97k) and then I refresh it this morning at it's gone down by nearly 10k? Apparently I have 57k now? The comments and votes have gone down too. I'm not moaning because it's still an incredible number, but has this happened to you on my book? It went down to 59k last night but I deleted all the A/Ns and Q&As so I understood but this morning it's gone down even more!
"Alfie?" I call up the stairs on a Autumn Saturday afternoon.

"What's up darling?" He calls back.

"I need to talk to you."

Within minuets Alfie was galloping down the stairs. Zoe was out shopping with Gabby because she wanted to make up for yesterday. You could still tell she was slightly knocked by that comment.

Alfie and I sit down at the dining room table with some coffee.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Well, you know those comments that split you and Zoe up?" I begin. Alfie nods. "Zoe's still getting them and they're getting worse."

Zoe had uploaded a pre-filmed video last night despite everything that had happened. Alfie grabbed his laptop and sat there, tapping his foot waiting for YouTube to load.

"Her Q&A?" He asks rhetorically, clicking on it.

I see his fingers scroll down to the comments (after liking it that is!) and I go round to sit next to him.


Oh trending worldwide are we? You don't deserve to be. little miss Zoe with her perfect family once again. I don't think so. you all deserve to die.

"That's it." Alfie suddenly says in a rage. "Death threats; I've had enough!"

He storms towards the front door, packing his laptop in his rucksack and putting on his shoes.

I quickly follow him, slipping on my blue Converse and grabbing my green hooded coat.

"Ah," Alfie suddenly stops. "Problem." He points to Zoe's empty car space.

"You can't drive yet can you?" I say awkwardly.

"No." Alfie stands there wondering what to do. "I'll call a taxi."

The taxi arrives in about ten minuets and we both clamber in.

"Where are we even going?" I whisper to myself.

"To the train station please." Alfie calls.

I frown but go along with it.

Then I start thinking about my own problems. Connor, Charlie, Lucas, Ashlyn, Annika and Alyssa. All of my friends seem to have something against me, apart from Connor. Charlie is still with Connor, as I can tell by school, and the girls are still ignoring me. Lucas is too, always looking really hurt and I'm not sure why.

"Here we are." Alfie jumps out and pays the taxi driver. He enters the station.

"Two return tickets to London please." He asks into the small holes to the ticket man.

He hands them over and we go and wait for our train.

QOTD: do you have Instagram?
AOTD: yes!

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