Chapter Fifty-One

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~day 16 of 20~
Alfie was sitting outside Starbucks with the plastic. His back was turned to me and they were snogging across the table.

"Right, that's it." I mumble to myself as I stride over

I push Alfie off his chair; God I was so mad. His coffee spilt everywhere and plastics face was horrified. I shouted at him, causing a scene but I didn't care. How could he do this?

I looked down at the man on the floor covered in coffee realising one specific detail.

It wasn't actually Alfie.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp. "Oh my gosh." I repeat. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh."

"What is your problem?!" The man stood up angrily.

"I am so sorry, I thought you were someone else!" I plead.

"This is assault!" He declares. "I'm phoning the Police!"

"Wait, no! Please! I'm only 13, please!" I wail. He can't call the Police!

I see the man dial three numbers and bring the phone to his ear.

"Please no!" I beg once again, but it was too late. They were on their way.

The next thing I knew was I was being whisked away in a police car, seeing Lucas' confused face watch me.

I felt terrible.

I felt awful.

I felt sick.

I felt like I had lost all hope.

Because, to be honest, I think I have.

Owh, this makes me so sad writing this.

And thank you for your lovely comments about my throat; luckily it's better now!

And thank you for your entries for my comp! I've had over 50 entries, which is crazy! Thank you!

QOTD: what's your favourite thing about this book?
AOTD: I love the feedback :)

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