Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: oh wow. Thank you so much for 3k. i didn't even get to thank you for 2k, so THANK YOU x -love from me (anonymously) (that's going to be my little goodbye motto!)

The next morning, I troop down the stairs to see Zoe snuggled up on the sofa, fast asleep. It was 10:00am and Zoe was normally up; she was an early bird.

"Zoe?" I nudge her gently. She stirs and her eyes open. To my surprise, they were red and bloodshot, with last nights mascara smudged all over them. "What happened?" I gasped.

"Just some comment on my video, that's all." Zoe told me unconvincingly.

I nod, trying to forget about the whole thing as she gets up to make breakfast. I understand. People can be so horrible for no reason. I've had some comments on my videos too.

She serves me some scrambled egg, bacon and beans on top of a bagel. "Thank you." I smile and she forcefully smiles back.

A few minuets later, Alfie comes down and everything turned into an awkward silence. This never happened. Zoe dished him up some breakfast with out a single word and then he came and sat next to me at the table. They hadn't even said good morning or anything.

I tried to make small talk during breakfast, but they weren't trying very hard. "So, did you sleep well?" I asked Alfie.

"Yeah." He bluntly replies, poking at his beans.

After more playing around with his food, Alfie sighed heavily and got up from the table. I heard him stomp up the stairs and turn the shower on while Zoe cleaned up our things.

"What's happened?" I ask Zoe unsurely.

"What? Oh nothing sweetie. Nothing." She says this not even looking at me in the eye.

"There's something wrong." I whisper, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Alfie and I just had a little argument, that's all." She gives me another small smile.

"About what?" I know I was being nosey, but I thought Zoe might want to talk.

"Oh, um well, we were arguing over what videos would go on who's channel." She laughs at herself.

"Is that all?" I chuckle.

"Yes." She sighs.

Just then, I hear Alfie coming down the stairs again and open the door. "Alfie!" I yell at him before he could step out the door.

He strolls into the kitchen "What?" he frowns.

"Make up with Zoe now." I demand. He slowly steps forwards and gives Zoe an awkward hug.

"Sorry." He mumbles. "We can do the quiz on your channel if you want."

"No no. It's fine. Lets do it on yours." Zoe argues back.

He nods slowly, knowing Zoe wouldn't let him win and kisses her on the forehead.

I let out a sigh and they both laugh at me, before we all get ready for a day out at the sea.

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