Chapter Twenty-One

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I gasped as I saw Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Jim, Joe, Caspar, Ashlyn, Alyssa and Annika in the living room. They all looked amazing, and were holding a banner with 'Happy Birthday Peppa!' written across it.

"Wow!" I squeal and run over to give them all a hug.

After opening presents from everyone and I got some really lovely things. Then Niomi and Tanya appeared looking gorgeous too in their knee-hight dresses and glittering makeup.

"Why does everyone look so fancy?" I gesture to Joes smart tux and Zoe's gorgeous diamond dress: the same one she wore to her beauty range launch.

"Well..." Jim takes my hand and leads me outside where a white limousine was waiting patiently.

"Oh my goodness!" I run over to the limo and hop in.

There was a corner, black leather sofa with a fridge, music stereo and disco lights!

I climbed onto the corner sofa and was followed by everyone. Marcus got out his vlogging camera and started showing off the amazing limo.

As soon as everyone was in, we all grabbed a drink and turned on the music. The disco lights started searching the area and we were all dancing. We were taken on a tour of Brighton and it was the loveliest birthday treat ever.

After about an hour of giggling, dancing and singing, the limo pulled up outside what looked like a club. Everyone started piling out, but I grew worried. "A club? But I'm 13!"

"Don't worry, you'll see!" Zoe claps her hands and leads me inside.

I step into the club and see balloons, banners and lots of people. I walked over to the dance floor to see another 'Happy Birthday Peppa!' banner draped over the dancing people.

I look around and immediately recognise everyone. Colleen was here, Joey, Connor, Tyler, Troye, Gabby, Lucy and Lydia, the Saccone-Jolys and lots of others.

"Oh wow!" I say to myself. I greet all of them and say how much I love their videos.

After about 20 minuets, I was in the silly photo booth with Gabby, taking the most lovely photos. We danced to the music, ate the lovely food and had amazing drinks like Shlur and others.

I walked over to the seating area alone, intending to chat to Colleen and Josh. I was walking over to them when I see someone very familiar.

"Connor?" I choke on my cheesy biscuits.

"Hi." Connor looks me right in the eye. "You look...lovely." He gestures.

"Thank you." I blush. "Not bad yourself."

He brushes his black blazer and brushes his hair with his fingers.

" are you?" He asks.

"Good thanks. How about you?" I reply.

"Steady." He sighs.

"Still not adopted?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "There have been interests, but not actual serious ones."

I nod "What about Alisha?" I suddenly blurt.

What did you just say Peppa?

"What do you mean?" Connor frowns.

"It's just that, err, I thought that you two were..." I look away awkwardly.

"No!" he laughs. "I like someone else anyway." He looks at me, straight at me.

I frown myself "who?" I ask out of interest.

I had no idea what his answer would be though.

"You." He simply replies. He stepped towards me and smiles slightly.

"What? Me?! No! You wouldn't like me! I'm not pretty, not funny, not-" and before I could say anything else, he planted a small kiss on my lips.

After it was over, I just stared at him in shock.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Connor blushes.

"I err, well, err, me too." I finally am able to say.

"You like me too?" His eyes widen.

"Um, yes?" I was worried about his response.

He smiles really widely and takes my hand. He leads me to the dance floor and we rock out for the rest of the night...

Yay! Pepor is happening (just ignore my rubbish ship names).

Thanks for 1.5k as well guys x

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