Chapter Fifty-Two

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~Day 17 of 20~
I see the world speed past me as I'm taken to the Police station. All I can tell myself is to not panic. Everything will be fine. But will it?

I arrived at the policeman lead me inside and sat me down in an office.

"Who's your parent?" He says in his deep voice.

"Erm," I stammer "Zoe Sugg."

His eyebrows raise "My daughter loves her. What's her number?"

I tell him Zoe's mobile and watch him tell Zoe that I've been arrested. Great.

Within no time, a flustered Zoe bursts through the door. She sits next to me without saying a word.

"I'm afraid we were called to an incident down the town." The policeman explains. "Peppa here knocked a man off his chair and his coffee spilt all over him, burning. She continued to shout abuse into his face. Is this correct?"

I nod solomly. I was so ashamed of myself.

"Peppa, you did that?" Zoe asks in surpise.

I nod again.

"Why? Just why Peppa? Why would you do this?" Zoe's voice raises. I've never seen her this angry.

"I thought he was someone else." I tell them.

"It still doesn't make it okay to do that." Zoe tells me.

"I know." I whisper.

"Who did you think he was?" The policeman asks.

I took a deep breath in, considering whether to tell them or not.

"My dad." I finally whisper in a hoarse voice.

"What?!" Zoe frowns. "You thought he was Alfie? Why would you do that to him?"

"He was with that woman again...I thought he wouldn't do it again." A tear slides down my tired face.

After everything had been sorted out, they put the crime on my record and Zoe and I go home.

"You do realise this is going to affect your future?" Zoe says.

"I know." I sigh.

"What are you going to do when they don't let you have a job because you have a criminal record?" She raises her brows.

"YouTube." I simply say.

"YouTube isn't everything." Zoe sighs. "It might not be here in 5 years."

Okay. YouTube IS everything but y'know.

And finally it's an okay length and quality chapter! Woooo

QOTD: fave pll character?
AOTD: probably hannah because she's #relatable

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