Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I've missed you guys, but I'm back now! I said next update is tomorrow, but I'm home now so why not update now?
"Thank you so much." I sigh patting my stomach after Netflix and pizza.

"No problem." Connor smiles.

We stare at each other for a few seconds before Connor started to lean in. I panicked and didn't know what to do so I just let him kiss me. After a few seconds I kissed back lightly and he smiled again.

We broke apart and both blushed deeply.

"I suppose I should go." I point to the door awkwardly.

"Go where?" Connor says.

"I don't know." I slump back on the bed and sigh.

"You should really go home, it's been a few hours now." Connor suggests.

"I suppose..." I sigh. "Yeah. I'll go home. Thanks again." I smile and walk out the door as Connor waves, still tomato red.

Opening Connors front door, I see Alfie climbing into his car about to leave. I look at him for a few seconds before he looks up and sees me.

"Peppa!" He shouts, immediately making Zoe show up at the door.

They both run over to me and give me a huge hug. I actually hug back and smile a little. It felt nice doing this again.

"We're so sorry Peps." Zoe whispered into my hair.

"We shouldn't have gone behind your back like that." Alfie agrees.

They're right, they shouldn't have gone behind my back like that. They should've told me if they were seeing each other again. I really hope they are, even though everything we've been through.

"Are you guys back together?" I timidly ask. We were standing and hugging still in the middle of the dark, wet street, but I felt like I needed to ask the question as soon as possible.

Zoe sighs and they both look at each other with a deep expression. "Yeah, steadily getting there." Alfie grins.

I swear my mouth hadn't stretched that far all my life with happiness. "The Zalfie ship has set sail again!" I yell and we all share a huge family hug in the street.

you guys don't know how much I've wanted to get them both back feels good having it back like that. you all went crazy when they weren't together, but now they are!

QOTD: do you watch PLL? If so, what season are you on?
AOTD: I do, and I nearly on season 3 it's sooooooooo gooooood!

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