Chapter Seven

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A/N: thanks for over 100 reads on this guys! Also thanks for voting and commenting. It makes me really happy! xx

I woke up with the same smile plastered on my face as I did when I went to sleep. Today I am going to spend the day with two of the biggest YouTubers on earth!

I got up out of bed at 8:00am and immediately started worrying. What was I going to wear? How am I going to do my makeup? I'm spending the day with a beauty guru!

In the end, I settled on a black woollen jumper with grey denim jeans. I wore my white Converse and put on a chunky necklace. My makeup was a plain base of BB Cream and Concealer. My eyes we thinly lined with a black eyeliner and my eyeshadow was smokey, but still natural. I used a moisturiser on my lips and considered myself done.

As the doorbell rang at 10:03am, I grabbed my beige handbag and galloped down the stairs. I instantly smiled as I saw Zoe and Alfie standing at the door.

"Hi!" Zoe greeted me.

"Hi!" I said back. "Hi Alfie."

"Hey!" Alfie says like in his videos.

"Shall we go?" Zoe held out her hand. I took it and she lead me to her Mini Cooper that was parked a few houses away. On the backseat, was little Nala wagging her tail looking out the window.

I smiled at how cute she was and got in the back with her. She immediately climbed all over my lap and started licking my face.

"You are okay with dogs?" Alfie seriously asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile at him.

"She seems to like you." Zoe started the car. "So I thought we could take Nala for a walk, and I found this really cute dog-friendly cafe where we can have lunch. Does that sound okay?"

"It sounds lovely." I tell her, still not believing that I'm talking to my idol that I've loved for nearly 3 years.

We arrived in some lovely fields and Nala jumped out, very excited. As we walked along the tall grass, Alfie says:

"If we adopt you, Peppa, then you'll have to move back to Brighton with us. Is that okay?"

The smile that had been plastered across my face all day suddenly disappeared, like someone had wiped it right off.

"Umm..." I don't know what to say. Brighton was a few hours away in a car, so Keira could visit sometimes I suppose.

Alfie and Zoe paused as I thought about it.

"We really want to adopt you Peppa. You seem like such a lovely girl." Zoe whispered to persuade me.

"It would be fine." I found myself telling them.

What did I just say?

"Are you sure?" Zoe asks.

"I'm positive."

Peppa, what are you doing!? I thought to myself. Just tell them that you like it in Devon.

I couldn't bring myself to say it. I'd miss everyone so much.

"Your friends can come and stay when you want, for one night or a few. We don't mind. As long as you're happy." Alfie smiles.

This lifted about a ton of weight off my shoulders and I instantly felt happy again.

Sorry it's short, I have loads of HW so I couldn't write too much. Another update will be coming later on xx

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