Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: sorry there was only one, short update yesterday. I had a sleepover so I couldn't update x

Two days later, Ashlyn was allowed out of hospital and the day after that, she returned to school.

Annika, Alyssa and I watched her gently wheel herself into school, obviously still sore. She took one glance at Alyssa and turned away. I ran after her "Ashlyn, Ashlyn wait!"

She stopped and turned around to give me an angry 'what?!' look.

"Alyssa is the one who nearly killed me Peppa! I am not speaking to her, looking at her, being around her ever again!" she shouts the words meaningfully at my face.

"Alyssa just wanted to start again. She's really sorry." I piped.

"Pfft, as soon as she nearly kills me she wants to start again. That's a coincidence isn't it? She could've started again two years ago, when all she was doing was calling me names! But no, as soon as it reaches the worst it can get, she wants to start over. NO!" and she wheeled off on her own.

I walk back to the others "Sorry Alyssa, there's no way in hell you're starting again." I sigh.

"I didn't think so. I'm so sorry." she mumbles.

"You should say sorry yourself to Ashlyn, somehow anyway." Annika says.

Alyssa nods slowly and then her eyes widen and her smile returned. She scrunched up her hair in a ponytail and ran after Ashlyn.

Alyssa's POV:

I searched everywhere for Ashlyn, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I felt really bad.

I searched the science block, history block, cafeteria, library, field, courts, everywhere! And she still wasn't showing up.

As soon as I was about to head back to Peppa and Annika, I heard faint sobs from a distance. "Hello?" I call out. The sobs grew quieter as I called out to that someone.

I turned a corner and saw a sight that I didn't ever want to see. Ashlyn was lying on the floor and her wheelchair was tipped over next to her.

"Oh my God! Ashlyn!" I run over to her and kneel down.

"I was wheeling to fast!" She cries. I pulled her up with effort and sat her upright, her mascara smudged all under her eyes. What had I put this poor girl through!?

I picked up her wheelchair and carefully lifted her in it. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to her "If there's anything I can do..."

"Yeah, there is something you can do actually." Ashlyn sniffs. I look up hopefully "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she finishes and wheels off again. I sigh heavily and break down myself.

Peppa's POV:

Alyssa had been gone a while now, so Annika and I decided to find her. We headed behind the music block first and saw Alyssa leaning on a wall, crying.

"What's wrong?!" I ask her.

"I'm such a horrible person!" she wails. "Ashlyn wheeled so fast, she fell out of her wheelchair. I'm not sure whether she's okay or not."

"We need to find her." Annika states. We both nod and head off in the direction that Ashlyn headed in.

We walked around for a good 15 minuets, looking in every nook and cranny for Ashlyn. When she fell, she could have hurt herself even more, especially after that incident last week, so it was really important we found her.

After another 15 minuets, we gave up and slumped onto a bench. All three of us sighed at the same time.

"Umm, guys?" a little vice piped us next to us.

"Ashlyn!?" we all gasped.

She gave a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" Annika gave her a hug.

"I'm fine." she replied. "Sorry for worrying you."

"That's okay." I smile.

"Sorry for being awkward too Alyssa. Thanks for helping me. If you didn't, I could've really hurt myself. You practically saved me." Ashlyn looks at Alyssa.

"That's okay. Are we good?" Alyssa replied.

"Considering you nearly killed me and then saved my life a week later, yes we are." Ashlyn and Alyssa hugged and I felt really warm inside. I was so happy we were all great friends!

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