Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up early again to head to school. I was quite nervous of how people will react to Zoe and Alfie's recent video where they introduce me. Changing into my school uniform, I realised that I was nearly late so I hurried up. I had to skip breakfast (even though I shouldn't've!)

Today, Alfie drove me to school and parked where Zoe normally would.

"Have a good day!" he kisses my forehead.

"What if people react weirdly to the video?" I worry.

"Of course they won't!" Alfie advised me.

I took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way to school. I was surprised to see Ashlyn and Annika waiting for me at the school gates. As I walked in, Ashlyn wheeled over to me.

"!" she squealed.

"You're the daughter of Zalfie?" Annika gapes.

I nod shyly and they fangirl right in front of me.

"You're so lucky!" Ashlyn clapped.

"And your own channel has nearly 10 thousand subs without a single video!" Annika exclaims.

I laugh at them; I used to be like them. Completely obsessed with Zoe and Alfie. I still am, but not in the same way. It would be a bit strange to be obsessed with your parents.

Just then, Alyssa comes up to us.

"Hey! Zoella is your mum?" I was expecting her to say something mean to Ashlyn, she has said at least one thing to her everyday.

"Erm, yeah." I reply.

"Sick. Zoella is cool." She chews her gum.

"Yeah, I suppose." I awkwardly agree.

Of course, Alyssa couldn't come up to us without leaving hurting Ashlyn. She tugged at her pigtails and Ashlyn tried to get her off. As Ashlyn's hands were on her head, Alyssa pushed her wheelchair down a hill.

Ashlyn kept tumbling and tumbling, her wheelchair spinning out of control.

"ASHLYN!" Annika and I screamed as she wheeled out of sight. Alyssa stood behind us laughing, but it was no laughing matter.

At the bottom of the hill, Ashlyn crashed into the Maths block. Her head falls back on her wheelchair and she didn't move. Annika and I rushed down to her and saw blood and a pale body. Alyssa followed us, still laughing.

"What have you done?" I yelled at Alyssa, punching her in the stomach. She staggered back.

I gasped at myself. I just punched someone. Oh dear Lord. I didn't mean to I-I...

Before anything else happens, two teachers come sprinting towards us. One was on the phone, obviously calling 999. Alyssa was now on the floor, clutching her stomach. I did feel bad, but she might have killed Ashlyn.

I stared at Ashlyn's limp, lifeless body flopping over her wheelchair.

The ambulance came and carried Ashlyn away on a stretcher after taking out of her wheelchair. After seeing the blaring sirens fade away, the head-teacher asks to see Alyssa, Annika and I.

We all trudged into her office and sit down.

"What on earth happened?!" she yelled.

"I pushed her." Alyssa mumbled.

"You what?!" she yelled again.

"I pushed her." Alyssa replied, a little louder.

"Why? Why would you do that?" She was so angry, you could see the veins in her neck throbbing.

"I-I-don't know." Alyssa replied, obviously very upset.

"What do you two know about this?" she turned to Annika and I.

"Well, Alyssa has been bullying her for most of her life." Annika speaks up.

"I only joined the school last week so I don't know much." I tell her.

"You did punch me though!" Alyssa yells at me, lifting her blouse to reveal her stomach with a huge black bruise on it.

Why did she bring that up? "I-I-I..." I try to explain "It was anger, after she pushed Ashlyn..." I trail off.

"Annika, you can leave please." the head gestures to the door. Annika didn't do anything wrong. Why did I punch Alyssa? "And for you two, isolation! Alyssa, for the whole term, Peppa for a week. Understood?" we both silently nod. "Alyssa, you will also be suspended afterwards for two months."

Our isolation started straight away, and I wasn't happy. Zoe and Alfie were called up, and I can't imagine how they feel. I didn't want to make them upset, or embarrassed to have me as a daughter.

I was sat next to Alyssa during the isolation.

"Peppa!" Alyssa whispered when the isolation monitor was gone.

"What?" I hissed back.

"I'm sorry that I was mean." she guiltily says.

"I'm not the one you should be saying that to, if she wakes up that is." I raise my eyebrows.

"Do you think she's dead?" Alyssa worriedly says.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "Sorry for punching you."

"Nah, I deserve it."

"Lets start over." I suggest. She nods her head and then the isolation monitor came in so we hushed right up.

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