Part 1

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Natasha's POV

        The tower is quiet. Everyone is asleep. I realized I was staring out the window about an hour ago, not caring that the movie was long over and everyone else had packed up and gone to bed. I don't care that it's the worst snow storm in 20 years, I'm going for a run. I can't just sit still thinking about Bruce. It's been 6 months, he's long gone, there is nothing I can do about that, I can however move on with my life. When I stand up to put my mug in the dishwasher I see a tall figure standing in the doorway with their arms crossed, watching.

"Rogers" I say, heading to the kitchen not needing to take another look to see who it is.

"Romanoff" he says watching me.

I put down my mug and look back at him, "What can I do for you at," I look at my watch and realize the time, "2:26 in the morning?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he says as he moves away from the doorway to sit on a stool at island. "I couldn't sleep, decided I needed a snack."

"Fair enough," I say tossing him an apple, grabbing one for myself, "I was gonna head out on a run if you wanted to join me"

"At 2:26 in the morning? In a snow storm?" He asks me between bites.

"2:29 actually," I say as I look up at his deep blue eyes.

He rolls his eyes when he says "No, Nat. No I don't not want to go for a run around New York at 2:30am during a blizzard." I smirk at his remark, reminding myself of the good things .

"I'm gonna head off to bed." I say leaving the kitchen with a glance back I say "Night, Steve"

"Night, Nat" He said with a mouth full of apple, I smile and shake my head, heading to my room, knowing I'm not going to be able to sleep.


I wake up to my phone ringing, without checking to see who it is or even what time it is, I answer, "Hello?" I say groggily.

"Romanoff" Fury's low voice cuts through my phone, instantly making me wake up. "I need you to come in."

"I'll be there in 20" I say jumping out of bed and getting ready.

"Make it 10" He says and hangs up leaving me to put on my Black Widow suit and run out the door.

"Morning Nat," Clint says as I run past the kitchen "where you off too?"

"Work." I say leaving before he asks me to elaborate. I run to the elevator heading for the garage, I jump in my sleek black sports car and exit the parking lot. I don't even make it 2 minutes in before I realize it's snowing way too hard to see "Shit." I mutter under my breath before taking my phone and and start dialling.

"What do you want Romanoff?" Tony says slightly annoyed.

"I need a ride, too much snow too drive" I say as I pull over, making sure theres no one around "I'm at the corner of 35th and Madison." I hang up the phone and throw on my jacket, knowing I'd freeze without it. I stand in the cold for a couple minutes before I hear the familiar sound of the Iron Man repulsers coming my way.

"Took you long enough" I say annoyed that he took so long.

"Well, I was sleeping," He said landing and taking a couple steps towards me, "and you could've waited in the car" He says as I roll my eyes and he grabs my arm, shooting off the ground and landing a minute later at SHEILD headquarters.

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