{Epilogue 1} Good Impression

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Don't comment any spoilers, again I will bite off your kneecaps

Everything happening in these next few epilogue chapters will not be touching on anything past SEASON 4, so whatever is happening in manga is irrelevant.


**3rd person's POV

[m/n]'s eyes fluttered open as the morning sun rays shone through his window. He got up and stretched his arms over his head, a soft groan escaping his lips. Today was the last day of their winter break which means that [m/n]'s will be heading back to school dorms to begin term three or his second year.

He got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up. Afterwards he went down to the kitchen to begin making breakfast.

By the time the rice was done boiling he heard tiny foot steps waddle into the room

"Good Morning, [m/n]-san" he turned around to see Eri walk into the kitchen with a stuffed animal in her hand while rubbing the sleep off of her eye with the other.

"Good Morning, Eri-chan" [m/n] smiled "Breakfast is almost ready"

Just then, they heard the door knob jiggling for a bit before it opened up and Aizawa walked in, the bags under his eyes were more than before and he looked like death.

"S-Sensei? Are you okay?" It was normal for Aizawa to be coming back home early in the morning, looking extremely exhausted.


"Yeah, I'm gonna sleep for..." he didn't even finish his sentence before dragging his body to his own room and flopping down on his bed.

"Come on, Eri-cahn, breakfast is ready"

The two ate breakfast together in silence as per usual, and [m/n] made sure to leave some for Aizawa when he'd wake up.

"Are you excited to go back to the dorms today?" [m/n] asked as he washed their dishes

"Hmm" she nodded "I wanna see everyone again"

"Me too" [m/n] smiled as he began drying to plate

"Oh! Lemme help" Eri put her stuffed animal down before she reached her hands out eagerly to help [m/n] dry the plates

"Thank you" he gently patted her head making a large grin appear on her face.


"Are you both ready to head back to school?" Aizawa's groggy voice appear from behind them, Eri had been watching cartoons and [m/n] was texting Todoroki, only half paying attention to the show on screen.

"Eh? Already?" [m/n]'s head shot up to look at the pro "but you just got back, don't you need more time to sleep?"

"It's fine, it's fine" the pro shook his head

"Ok..." it makes a lot of sense to me why he napped a lot in class back then... Sensei is really amazing. "I-I made breakfast, you should at least have that first." [m/n] got off the couch to pull out the boxed up meal from the fridge and put it into the microwave "You can eat while we get ready"

"Alright... thanks kid" Aizawa said

With that, Aizawa was left alone to eat while [m/n] helped Eri to get ready before getting ready himself as well. By the time they were ready Aizawa was done with his meal and ready to go.

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