Happy Father's Day

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**[m/n]'s POV

Father's Day is a special day in the year where kids show love to their fathers for being there for them and to just celebrate Father's all around the world.

And since tomorrow is that day. I heard some of my classmates talking about what they were going to do for their father's. Some had gotten permission to visit their homes at the end of the day and others decided to send a text, call, send a little gift or something

Obviously I never got to 'celebrate' Father's Day, to me it was just another simple day. Even though it was a day for fathers, I honestly doubt my father was worth celebrating. No matter how much I hated the idea, that man was my father whether I liked it or not... but, with all the things I've learned on my own and with my friends, I understood that he is only my father biologically, he's not someone I consider a real "father" 

That got me thinking... what is a father?

So I googled it

"Being a father means showing love and not expecting anything in return. Being a father means raising your children into respectable adults by teaching and being actively involved in their lives." I read out loud to myself as I sat at my desk "A father is a role model and a hero. He is a strong shoulder to cry on and someone to lift you up in your successes. Being a father is all these things and more..."

I sat there silently staring at my laptop screen...

"Aizawa-sensei" I gasped as if I had just had the biggest revelation. Which I technically did and it all totally makes sense. 

He's my role model, my hero, the only male adult in my life I feel like I can go and talk to about none hero or school related stuff. Like how in the movies the kid talks to their father about their insecurities and stuff, sometimes love life too... but I'm not there yet...

In conclusion, I decided that I would give Aizawa-sensei a Father's Day card. Luckily I had some art supplies with me so I could go all out. I spent a long time making it, I started over like 5 times. I just want it to be perfect.


They next, which was officially Father's Day, I put the card in my backpack. Being very careful not to move so carelessly. I decided I would give it to him during lunch break. But that meant that through out the first half of the day I couldn't focus properly in class.

Is he gonna find it weird? Should I do this at all? what if he doesn't like it? Maybe this was a bad idea...

I had changed my mind on whether I should do it or not about 10 times, luckily my mind was on 'do it' by the time it was lunch break so I wanted to quickly give him the card before I changed my mind yet again. 

"A-Aizawa-sensei!" I yelped out in panic just as he was exiting the class.

"Yes?" he turned around

"U-Uh" oh no... now I have to do it in front of everyone! I should've just followed him out the class... Well, there's no turning back now. "U-Umm" I gulped. I slowly pulled out the card from my bag and on shaky legs walked over to him. "H-Happy Father's Day" I held out the card as I quickly bowed my head.

I could clearly hear the series of gasped and murmur around the class, which honestly made the situation more embarrassing. 

"I-I know you're not my biological father or anything, but last night I did a little search and it said that a father is your hero a-and role model and a lot of other stuff... and you checked out all the boxes so i... I thought—" my words were cut off when I felt his hand gently pat my head. I looked up to see a smile on his face

"Thank you" I felt a wave of happiness crash over my body and before I knew what I was doing I launched myself forward and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly as I buried my face in his chest. 

"Awwww" the class cooed

I could tell Aizawa-sensei was taken aback by my sudden show of affects but none the less he ruffled my hair. I may have purred a little, but we're not getting into that right now.

Eventually I pulled back, a big smile on my face, letting Aizawa-sensei go on his way.

"Ohhh" I turned to look at Todoroki-san "So you're the secret love child?" And without missing a beat, Izuku, Bakugou-san, and I face palmed.

What would your father's day letter to Aizawa-sensei say? I'm curious uwu. Comment below~:


P.S. I know my 'special' chapters aren't related to the story, but this? THIS IS CANON! THIS HAPPENS FOR REAL, YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND.😤

YO! YO! YO! I just had this idea when I was in the shower and I wanted to do it. It was really nice and relaxing to write something just cute and short for a change. That last chapter drained the FUCK outta me😩 

Anyways, I thought this was just something really cute and fluffy I could write about [m/n] and Aizawa uwu. Thanks for reading! voting! and commenting! you guys support  is what pushes me to write more and write better! 💜 See you next chapter!

Ja ne!

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