{29} 3 Crystal Balls

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**3rd person's POV

Once the two split up Midoriya ran to where Mandalay and Tiger were, when he got there he quickly told Mandalay that Kota was safe. Then he told her what Aizawa had said to him to inform her. Once he told her, she immediately telepathically broadcasted the information the the students and the two teachers.

"Everyone in class A and class B! in the name of the pro hero, Eraser head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!" Mandalay told everyone "you, go back to the back!" she yelled to Midoriya "those injuries aren't normal" she said while drop kicking spinner, who was able to block it.

"No...I'm sorry" Midoriya said as he began running back into the bushes "please tell everyone one more thing! The villains... their targets are Kacchan and [m/n]-kun! Please tell everyone with telepathy"

"who's kacchan? wait a minute!" she called to Midoriya but he kept running, the villain that Tiger was fighting, Magne, charged to punch Midoriya but Spinner, the other villain, stopped him with a knife and let Midoriya continue to run away. 

"Oi spinner! what are you doing!? that kid is on Shigaraki's kill list!" Spinner began going on about how stain wished to save the kid because he'll be a true hero, blah blah blah. In their distraction the two heroes punched and kicked them, finally winning the fight.


[m/n] was running towards this strange and horrifyingly familiar scent, he wasn't sure who or what it was, for second he thought he was just over reacting. Then he suddenly heard Mandalay telepathically tell everyone something else.

"We have discovered the two of the villains' targets. It's the two students-- Kacchan and [m/n]" mandalay began "Kacchan and [m/n] should avoid combat and acting independently. Understand, Kacchan, [m/n]?"

"I guess Midoriya-san has already told Mandalay" [m/n] changed into wolf form to increase his speed, the further ahead he followed the scent, the darker it got. Luckily due to his mutation he could see in the dark, so he could tell where he was going. Suddenly he stopped and looked around, changing back into his hybrid form.

"[m/n]~" he turned around but saw no-one 

"guess who??~" 

"Who are you? show yourself!" [m/n] yelled spinning his head from side to side trying to find the source of the voice.

"how could you not recognize the voice of your own parents"

"what...." he slowly turned around, his eyes widened in pure shock "n-no...way" the two villainous couple stepped out of the shadows "wh-why are you here!? you should be in prison!!" [m/n] took small steps back, shaking in fear.

"is that how you greet us after not seeing us for so long!?" his father stepped forward "now... apologize, my son" [m/n] remained silent staring at them in disbelief No...way, this can't be happening, this isn't real, an illusion! it..it has to be, there's no way, right...? "are you deaf foolish child! or have you forgotten what punishments you will receive when you disobey us?" he stepped forward and slapped the half wolf boy hard on the cheek causing him to fall back 

"now be a good little boy and apologize to us, honey~ then you can stop this nonsense and follow us, follow your rightful path to become a villain" his mother said in a sickening tone.

"you take the boy away from the villains... but you can't take the villain away from boy... now, I won't repeat myself child" his father said in a dark tone

"....I-i... I'm s... I'm sor" tears of fear began gathering at his eyes and began pouring out of his eyes like a waterfall and he began trembling even more...

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