{31} Symbol of peace

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**3rd person's POV

A strange substance came out of Bakugou and [m/n]'s mouth and teleported them to another place.

"Damn it..." Bakugou coughed "...the hell...?"

"What was that...?" [m/n] gagged, they coughed with their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breathe, sweat dripping down their faces

"Sorry, Bakugou, [l/n]" a deep voice spoke from above them


The man bent down and held [m/n] by the chin, turning his face from side to side as if he was examining him

"you look just like your father..." [m/n] frowned "I knew him very well... you can call me... uncle" [m/n] pulled away from the man, he was too scared to say anything to him, so he just remained quite. They heard splashing sounds behind them and turned around to see the other villains from the bar appear from the same strange substance they got choked on.

"what..?" Toga covered her nose

"Something stinks!" Twice yelled "smells good!"

"Sensei..." Shigaraki spoke

"You failed again, huh, Tomura?" All for one said walking over to him "but do not be discouraged... just try again, I have brought your associates back as well. Even these children, because you judged that they were an important piece." He stood in front of Shigaraki who was on his knees and held his hand out for him "do it over as many times as you need to, that's why i'm here. It's all for you."

To simply say that they were scared was an extreme understatement, they were trembling in their feet, [m/n] literally had his tail between his legs. His presence... so intimidating, I can't speak... I can't move... he must be All for One... tch, uncle my ass

"You're here after all, aren't you?" All for one turned around and saw All Might charging towards him, the pro hero threw his fists at him but he was able hold off against it. It was like an intense game of tug-of-war and neither was backing up

"I'll have you return everything, All for One!" I knew it! [m/n] thought victoriously

"Will you kill me again, All Might?" The force of their collision created massive winds, causing the ground beneath them to fall apart and the pieces of it to fly off in different directions. Also causing the two U.A. students and the other villains to fly off.

He held All Might back with his bare hands! Bakugou thought This guy's the villain's boss!

Judging from what All Might said to Midoriya-san and I about his quirk, One for All, it passes down this quirk... then there's All for One... I think he can steal peoples' quirks...

All for One made his arm to grow stronger with red lights sparking up around him and he punched All Might right in the gut, sending the pro hero flying far back and crashing into multiple buildings. Once the dust cleared, the two U.A. students had gotten up to see that All Might had been hit.

"All Might!" They both yelled out

"Even without your worries, he won't die from something like that" All for One said "So run away from here, Tomura, and take these children with you" his fingers turned into these black and red robotic looking things and extended out and punctured Kurogiri in his chest "Kurogiri, get everyone out of here"

"o-oi... is he forcing him to use his quirk" [m/n] took a step back, he had forced Kurogiri to open up a warp gate

"Now, go"


All Might jumped up from the building rubble and flew towards All for One, he began lifting himself off the ground

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