{10} Rivals

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**[m/n] POV

Now that the class are over we're getting ready to leave the class rooms but when Uraraka opened the door we are blessed with the presence of tons of other students from other courses. yay...

"WHAT THE HECK!!?" Uraraka screeched, Midoriya, Iida, and Mineta behind her surprised as well. I'm just standing there, having zero fucks to give, honestly I just want to go home

"They're crowding the exit! what are they here for?" Mineta panicked 

"They're scoping out the competition, retard" Bakugou said ass he walked towards the door "They wanna see the gang who came through the villain ambush. They're checking us out before the big battle, asshole" are you the asshole right now I sighed. Bakugou stopped in front of them and did his signature glare "it's pointless to try, so why don't you just fuck off, you goddamn extras"

"Don't go around called people you don't know extras!" Iida scolding doing his signature hand gestures to Bakugou. then this kid with purple hair and dark circles around his eyes came pushing his eye through the crowd and began talking about how 'arrogant' we are, then he said something about how those that didn't make it to the heroics department ended up in other departments, but based on the results of the sports festival people can be transferred blah, blah, blah... I sighed, it's moments like this were I wish I was like Bakugou-san, I can tell people to there face to 'fuck off', but I'm too awkward for that... After this kid who is apparently from class 1-B came in and started yelling about some shit, my ears are too sensitive for this shit. 

"[n/l/n] are you ok?" Kaminari placed his hands on my shoulders

"a-ah... these ears are really sensitive" 

"Bakugou, dude! now we're gonna have haters all up in our grill!" Kirishima yelled

"It doesn't matter..." he states boldly "None of that matters once you're at the top"

"So manly..." Kirishima grabbed his chest and other began agreeing with Bakugou. he has a point though, as long as I make it to the top, my past won't matter anymore, I'll finally be accepted, I'll prove my parents wrong and make Aizawa-sensei proud, I'll become a pro hero with Midoriya-san.

And so the next two weeks of our training passed by in the blink of an eye and the day of the sports festival has come. 

**3rd person POV

The students were sitting in the waiting room getting ready for the up coming competitions. [m/n] was standing by the lockers in front of Midoriya.

"waah~ I'm so nervous, what about you [m/n]-kun" Midoriya asks [m/n] gripping his chest

"I guess, but we trained hard so it should fine" he said

"Midoriya" a new voice suddenly appears making Midoriya look up and [m/n] to turn around and face the owner of the voice

"What is it Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya asks the boy and everyone began paying attention to the conversation 

"Objectively speaking, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength" he simply stated

"wha!? ah, uh, yeah" Midoriya shivered

"You managed to get all might's eye on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that, but..." he stared him down "I'm going to beat you." Bakugou was glaring at them and Kaminari's sweat dropped, Kirishima tried calming him down, but Todoroki just shoved his hands of his shoulder. [m/n] was standing there utterly confused as why Todoroki was challenging Midoriya. But even so, Midoriya didn't back down, he said that he won't get left behind, since everyone is trying their best to be at the top

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