{30} League of Villains

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**3rd person's POV

Dabi had taken the two U.A. boys through the warp gate and they ended up back in their lair. When they got to their lair they saw the other villains that were at the attack and sitting on one of the stools was Shigaraki Tomura.

"good job, you completed the objective" Shigaraki spoke in his raspy voice "tie them up" he commanded. Magne grabbed Bakugou and began strapping him up to the chair, Toga ran up to [m/n] and smiled creepily, leaning way closer to him than [m/n] was comfortable with, completely penetrating his personal bubble.

"I'll tie him up" she giggled "you know, you're just my type, I wanna cut you up and make you bleed more~" she traced her knife along his cheek "just like Izuku~" [m/n] frowned at the mention of Midoriya's name, first name, coming from her mouth.

"hah?" he glared at her, she only smiled wider and leaned in closer to him taking a long sniff, making the pointy part of the knife poke his neck.

"Toga" Shigaraki warned "don't hurt him"

"hai~" she pulled the knife away and began tying him up, touching him much more than necessary. At one point she put her hands in his mouth to see his fangs "waahh~ you're fangs are so sharps" she began touching them "you breathe smells like chocolate~"

"pwesh stwap whis (please stop this)" [m/n] spoke fighting back the urge to bite her. Bakugou and [m/n] were placed in stone chair next to each other, they were both strapped up, and had their hands bound together and trapped inside these rock things (I dunno what it is) 

"Ne, ne~ [m/n]" toga knelt down in front of him, elbows on his thighs, and her chin resting on her open palm "you... like someone right?"

"hah!?" [m/n] choked and Bakugou turned to the side to face them

"you have the same smell as me, the smell of someone who's in love" she giggled "I'm right aren't I" [m/n] didn't respond "I am right! hehe, who is it? who is it?" she shoved her face so close to his face their noses were touching. He turned his head away from her and he and Bakugou made eye contact, his facial expression screamed agony. Toga noticed the two looking at each other and squealed "Ahhhh! you like Katsuki!!"

"what!?" [m/n] screeched and this time Bakugou choked

"but you can't like him, I like you!" Toga pouted looking up at [m/n] "have you guys kissed yet? done anything dirty~?"

"goddamn nut job" Bakugou mutter

"No! I don't... we never, ugh..." [m/n] hung his head low, face burning from embarrassment 

"you haven't? then you can still be with me! me, you, and, Izuku" her voice suddenly went cold "I'll make you both bleed."

"if I'm here to be killed, do it now" [m/n] muttered to himself

"Toga, that's enough" Shigaraki commanded

"I'll be watching from over there~" she got off of him and stood behind the counter making faces at him. [m/n] has never felt so uncomfortable, harassed, and violated in his life.


Shigaraki turned on the little tv hanging from the wall, every news channel he went to were all talking about the same thing... the attack of the Villain League on the training camp and the kidnapping of Bakugou and [m/n], it was all over the news, they also brought up the incident in USJ and linked it to the current situation. And now everyone knew about it... and everyone knew the name "League of Villains"

"We must conclude that there is some sort of problem with the management of U.A. high. Even if my child wanted to be a hero, I could not possibley enroll--" Shigaraki turned off the tv and then turned to face the two bound up U.A. students

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