{Epilogue 4} A Silver Lining

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Grab a snack y'all, this gon be a long one

**3rd person's POV

[m/n] pressed down harder on the pedal of his black motorcycle, rushing to get to the location of the kidnapping. A few minutes ago, Gang Orca had sent him a text notification about a nine year old girl from a rich family, Nakamura Yui, who was currently being held hostage for ransom.

He was the closest to the area so he was sent out first, and back up would be arriving soon. He was also going to be meeting up with another pro that was already on sight as well.

"Took you long enough, Wolfy" a familiar voice grunted from beside [m/n] as he stepped off his bike and put his hood up.

"It's been three years since we went pro, would it kill you to learn my hero name?" [m/n] scoffed, shaking his head in amusement. "Shōto and Deku will be here soon" The two stopped in front the 20 story building that had been evacuated. The police guarded the perimeter to keep the crowd of civilians that had gathered from getting too close, as well as the news stations.

"More heroes are here!"

"Look! It's Ground Zero!"

"Ground Zero-sama!"

"If it's Ground Zero then it's sure to be ok!"

It had been almost a three years since they gradated from U.A. and made their debut as pro heroes. Most of them, as [m/n] expected, quickly became loved by the public and were constantly in the view of the media. Gradually making their way to the rankings and building their presence.

All except for [m/n], he decided to follow along Aizawa's path and become an underground hero. He didn't want to be involved with the media and news outlets. So not a lot of people know him, especially in comparison to heroes like Bakugou.

(Here's a drawing of what I envisioned his new pro hero costume to look like uwu)

(Here's a drawing of what I envisioned his new pro hero costume to look like uwu)

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"We'll be done before they get here" Bakugou cracked both of his knuckled

"Let's hope so" [m/n] sighed "the reports said five other pros, and dozens of police were unable to stop the villain, apparently she goes by Blue. She won't do anything to Yui-chan because She needs her for the ransom. I think out best course of action is to wait for Shōto and Deku to come, then— Oi! Bakug— Ground Zero!" [m/n] yelled after the blonde who was walking into the building

"We can't wait around any longer, who know when those two are gonna get here. And we can't exactly trust that villain won't hurt her. She might not kill Yui but I doubt she won't be sick enough to put her hands on her"

[m/n] clenched his jaws, Bakugou had a point, but they still had to be careful, especially considering the fact that five pros, as well as several police officers, tried and failed, meaning that this woman was no regular low class petty villain.

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