{1} The Beginning

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*Your POV *

It's scary in here... I don't want this anymore, I don't wanna be here anymore let me out

"LET ME OUT! PLEASE! MOTHER! FATHER! Let me out.... please..." 

"now, now dear [m/n], you know we can't do that" my mother, if that's even a mother, say disgustingly sweet to me

"Haahahahah!" Father cackled, why are they doing this to me, it's started since I was 3, now I'm 8, I hate it, I hate them "[m/n] my son, we're doing this for your own good, it's because you're quirkless, if these experiments succeed you'll have a quirk." oh yeah, that's why, I'm quirkless

"You father is right, you can't be a villain without a quirk and just how do to you expect to surpass all might without one..." she walked over to the control panels reaching for a lever "now, let's proceed with the experiments" she pulled the lever and a red gas substance can out from the holes in the room and I instantly began to suffocate 

*cough* *cough* I can't breathe, it's smells bad, why did I have to be born into this family? I fell to the floor on my hands and knees, i fell on the ground after, my eyes hanging low breathing in this toxic gas as i stare lifelessly at my parents

"Inhaling the red gas for a long time will change some parts of his DNA, that way he'll be able to accept the mutagen without any issues or death, he'll only feel intense pain hahahhaha" father laughed

"Haha, yes indeed, but that is a fair price to pay for a new quirk"

"speaking of mutagen, has it been completed?" father asked

"It's to be finished in a matter of days"

"Finally, we've been working on it for years, now we'll finally perfected it" father cupped mother's check and kissed her, she hugged back and kissed him back as well.... repulsive, disgusting, revolting, these were my thoughts before slowly losing consciousness.

*two days later*

damn it, i can't move, once i regained consciousness i realized i was strapped down to a metal chair, my head hung low, staring at my [s/c] legs. Not only have they been experimenting on me for the past 5 years, but they've also been training me, I've been through a hell of a beating,  I've fought robots, been electrocuted, punctured, burned, I've been tortured my whole life... "build up a resistance to pain my ass" i heard footsteps walk into the room, at firsts i didn't care but i heard voices that didn't sound like my parents, i looked up to see a short-ish young guy with blue hair and a hands? all over his body and a purple-black gas, my parents handed a grey suitcase to the gas man, my mother walked over to me and grabbed my face making me face the two strangers properly

"Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri, remember their names and their faces dear, this won't be the last you'll see of them both" she let go of my face and i stared back at me legs, the two strangers left and it was just me and my parents. 

"All right, you've been knocked out for two days, food will be in your room, eat quickly then we'll continue"

"Yes, father" my mother pushed a blue button and the restraints came off, i stood up and walked to my room, the food was on a tray on my bed, i placed it my laps and began eating. 3 years ago i would be crying at this moment, but since i turned 6 i stopped crying at this stuff, it was all meaningless, i got used to this feeling of loneliness, this constant pain, this never ending sadness. After eating, i placed the tray outside my room and made my way to the training room, there my parents were waiting for me.

"{m/n]" father began "tomorrow the mutagen will be complete, as for today, you'll begin at level 4"

"when you get your quirk you'll be training much harder, you be fighting at the maximum, level 10, by tomorrow, so prepare yourself" mother finished, she handed me my Sai and they both went to control room to observe me. (this the Sai)

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