{50} Date

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**3rd person's POV

September was over in the blink of an eye and it was the start of October. The traces of summer disappeared and the temperature dropped.

The students who were part of the work studies program went with All Might and Aizawa-sensei to attend Nighteye's funeral.

Upon further discussion between the schools and the agencies regarding the work studies, it was decided that they would wait and see what happens next.

Nighteye's sidekick took over his agency and Eri finally regained consciousness, though she was still emotionally unstable she still had to be carefully watched over and cared for in the hospital, however the horn that releases her quirk reduced in size along with her fever.

"It's not an elegant question... but calculate the definite integral" Ectoplasm asked. The students were now currently having their math class with said pro"if you know the correct answer, raise your hand"

Kaminari's brain had short circuited, literally, from how difficult the question was, even Yaoyorozu, who is top of the class was stumped. Midoriya scribbled furiously and scratched his head trying to figure out the answer.

[m/n] tapped the tip of his pencil against the notebook, his tongue sticking out of his mouth a little as he thought about the question.

It's 107/28... right?

Midoriya shot up his hand to answer the question



[m/n]'s hands twitch a little, hesitating to raise his hands to answer the question. But before he could gather his resolve Yaoyorozu already beat him to it

"107/28!" She answered


"Now unto the next page" Ectoplsm said "[l/n], come up and solve the problem". [m/n] flinched as he slowly looked up from his notebook. Ehhh?? He internally panicked. He looked next to him and saw Midoriya giving him a thumbs up and mouthing 'you can do it'

[m/n] exhaled and got up from his chair, walking nervously towards the board. He grabbed the chalk and stared at the complex equation on the board. He took three deep breathes and began solving.

cos x = 1/2

He put the chalk down after writing the answer, turned around to face Ectoplasm who was examining the problem

"Correct" [m/n] let a relived sigh before scurrying back to his seat.


It was lunch time now and [m/n] was quickly looking through all his notes once more as his classmates were heading off to the cafeteria for lunch. After doing that he went over to Midoriya's desk, Iida and Uraraka were also standing there.

"Are you guys going to lunch soon?" He asked

"Yeah, in a minute!" Midoriya responded

"Ok" [m/n] nodded before going over to Todoroki's desk, who was packing up his stuff and getting out his wallet for lunch. "Ready for lunch?"

"Yeah" Todoroki says "By the way do you wanna train later?" [m/n]'s eyes widen a little

"Uhh... you mean like... just us?"

"Yeah I was hoping so. I already booked out one of the training ground to use after school. Did you already have plans"

"No" [m/n] quickly shook his head "no plans, yeah... I would like that" the boy turns back around just in time to see the very alarming sight of Aoyama shoving a piece of cheese into Midoriya's mouth.

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