#Special ||Reunion||

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Why!? why is this happening!? this is all my fault...

**3rd Person's POV

[m/n] and Midoriya were walking to class 1-A together. Midoriya talking animatedly about heroes and stuff like that while [m/n], and even if it didn't seem like it, he was paying close attention to his words. Once they entered the classroom they were both greeted by Uraraka and Iida. They talked for a little bit before heading to their seats. Kirishima came up to [m/n]'s desk once the [h/c] haired boy was sitting.

"ohayo, [l/n]" Kirishima smiled brightly to him

"ah, ohayogozaimasu, Kirishima-san" [m/n] said in return

"hey [l/n]" Sero and Kaminari walked up to the two, Sero taking his seat behind [m/n].

"ohayogozaimasu, Sero-san, Kaminari-san" he waved. After that Todoroki walked into the class, he was heading towards [m/n]'s direction to get to his seat in the back of the class. [m/n] looked up and smiled awkwardly "ohayogozaimasu, Todoroki-san"

"ohayo" he smiled and also greeted Midoriya, before heading to his seat. Ahhhh! I said 'hi' to all of them without stuttering! and I said 'hi' to Todoroki-san first!! [m/n] smiled excitedly to himself. Then his tail start wagging again

"haha, I guess Aizawl-Sensei will be here real soon" Sero chuckled with Kaminari and Kirishima laughing along. [m/n] blushed and turned his head back around, everyone else taking their seats and a few seconds later Aizawa walked into classroom and began his lesson.

==========Time Skip==========

After the end of class, the students began getting ready to head to lunch

"[l/n], can I talked to you for a second?" [m/n] turned around, and just as he had guessed, it was Aizawa sensei that called him. His face lit up and he smiled

"of course" he nodded furiously and followed Aizawa out of the class

"I won't keep you long" Aizawa began "this won't be announced until after, but I thought you should know at least. [mo/n] and [f/n] [l/n] are going to be transferred to another prison, recently they almost broke out of the one they were being held at" [m/n] heart sank at the mention their names and his happy expression disappeared "So they are being transferred to a place with much higher security."

"oh" [m/n] was at a lose for words "...w-what if they break out when they are being transferred, will it be ok" he asked once he found his words

"I can't tell you that with a 100 percent certainty, but I just be careful for the next few days, ok?"

"hai.... Sensei" his voice was shaky as he spoke slowly "thank you for letting me know...."

"don't worry too much kid, I just want you on higher alert, I wouldn't want anything to happen to any of you" he patted [m/n] on the back, that action made his mood a bit better

"Hai sensei! I'll be careful" he smiled up to him. Aizawa smiled back and said he could go now. [m/n] went to the cafeteria and meet up with Midoriya and the others to have lunch. He decided not to tell anyone else about it, including Midoriya, since he didn't want them to worry about it. 

==========Time Skip==========

Midoriya could see that there was something off with [m/n], he'd space off more often that normal and he looked like he was bothered about something. When Aizawa sensei gave them the rest of the class time off, Midoriya went to talk to him about it.

"Ne, [m/n]-kun" [m/n] turned his head to see Midoriya standing by his desk


"is... is everything ok?" the green haired boys asked "it seems like there's something bothering you"

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