#Special ||Fever||

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Note: this won't be an omegaverse were everyone is alpha, omega, or beta. It my first time writing an omegaverse fiction, and since [m/n] is a special kind of wolf it'll be different so heads-up.

Also- a little bit of smutty shit... (I'm bad at writing this... I can't!! gaaaaah!!) and this won't affect the actual story.

**[m/n]'s POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm blasting all over my dorm room. I reached my hands over and slapped the alarm clock until it shut up. I slowly sat up and stared at my room, my room had poster's of sensei, well Eraserhead, and also some action figures of him. It was like Midoriya-san's room, but instead of All Might merchandise, I have Eraserhead merchandise. I stood up from my bed, wrapped my towel and headed over to the showers. I wake up extra early so that I came be the only one at the showers, to awkward when others are there.

After my shower, i had my towel and pajamas in my hands, I was wearing a big white t-shirt and black boxers. I was back in the elevator heading back to the 4th floor. Out of nowhere my body became really hot and I started breathing heavily, my cheeks became a vibrant shade of pink and I felt... weird. When the elevator arrived at the 4th floor, I stumbled out and headed to my room that felt like it was miles away, since it was at the end of the hall. Kirishima-san came out of his room to see me leaned up on the wall, walking slowly to my room.

"[l/n]?" he walked up to him "Are you ok?" I remember that a large portion of my legs were exposed. I lowered my hands so the towel and my pajamas could cover more of them.

"y-yeah" my voice was shaky

"here, I'll help you to your room" he put my arm around his shoulder and his other hand wrapped around my waist. The small innocent touch made me shiver, like I was super sensitive or something. Kirshima-san helped me to my room, I looked up at him and he was smiling down at him. whoa, I never noticed how attractive Kirishima-san really was. I put both of my hands on his arms and pulled him closer until his body was pressed firmly against mine and I let out a soft quiet moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands stayed on my waist

"a-alpha..." I whispered into his ear moving closer to him,  then the heat I felt from earlier left my body and I froze

"U-uh... [l-l/n]..." Kirishima blushed

"eh? g-gomenasai, I think I'm having a fever"

"o-oh, ok, do you need to ah... rest?" he asked

"no, I'm fine now, gomen" I realized my arms were still wrapped around his neck so I quickly retracted them, he waved and I waved back entering my room. I shut the door and leaned against it, I slid down to the floor and brushed my hand through my [f/c] hair. What the hell was that!?.... I stood up and got dressed in my school uniform. It was summer so we wore our short sleeve button-up shirt. But because of the scars all over my arms I wrapped a white bandage over both my arms since it was to hot to wear a shirt underneath. My phone vibrated and I checked, seeing it was a text from Midoriya-san

Midoriya- Ohayo, [m/n]-kun! Ready for breakfast?

[l/n]- Yeah

Midoriya- Okay, I'll head up now

[l/n]- ok

Midoriya's room was on the 2nd floor, he shared the floor with Toyama-San, Minet-san, and Tokoyami-san. I grabbed my backpack, not taking my jacket, and put my phone in my pocket. Right after I heard a knock on the door, I went over and opened it to see not only Midoriya-san but Iida-san and Uraraka-san as well

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