{46} Work Study

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**3rd Person's POV

"What's up with Bakugou?" Ashido asked pointing at the blonde who was covered in bandages and scratches "was he fighting again?" They were about to start classes soon, so students were coming in and getting seated.

"Oh, the girls didn't see him yet" Kaminari said "take a look at Todoroki, too" she turned to see that Todoroki was in the same condition as Bakugou.

"Ah, it messed up his pretty face!" She yelped "what happened?"

"Apparently, the provisional license classes are harsh"

"Must be good for jocks!"

"Stop talking about us like we're not here!" Bakugou burst out

"We're about to start class!" Iida announced, his hands flying up in their signature pose as usual "Uraraka-san and Tsuyu-chan haven't come yet?"

"They have excused absence, class rep" Yaoyorozu quickly explained

"Of the boys, Kirishima isn't here either" Jiro adds

"Oh, you didn't hear? All three of them found places do to their work studies at" Sero informs

"Hey, how was your work studies?" Mineta was banging on Midoriya's desk repeatedly "was there a super perverted female hero there?"

"Uh..." Midoriya just muttered out not really paying much attention to what the short boy was saying.

"Don't talk about stuff you're ahead of me at!" Bakugou yelled out again, covering his ears childishly

"Izuku...?" [m/n] gently tugged on the boys shirt, standing next to him "what's wrong? You've been... off since last night. Are you ok?"

"U-Uh? Oh, y-yeah I guess... I just have a lot on my mind..."

"Oh... do you maybe want to talk about it later?"

"I don't think I can... not about this" Midoriya gave an apologetic smile, [m/n] nodded in understanding, he figured it had something to do with the work studies, maybe something happened during patrolling?

"I see, but I'm here for anything you can talk about" [m/n] smiled softly, his eyes squinting a little bit. Though, before Midoriya could respond Aizawa walked in just before the bell so they had to all be seated so that class could begin.

[m/n] didn't fail to notice how Midoriya wasn't focusing properly in their classes. He would very obviously loose himself in his thoughts, which resulted in him earning a smack on the head with their textbooks from Cementos. He barely spoke to any of them during lunch and just picked at his food. During their hero training he would lose concentration and nearly drowned when he was in the pond, Aizawa had to pull him out.


"Ready to head back to dorms?" [m/n] asked Midoriya, gently shaking his shoulders to gain his attention.

"Oh, actually, not yet" Midoriya gets up from his seat "there's something I want to do first. You go first"

"O-Ok, I'll see you later then" [m/n] nods, he figured it probably had something to do with why he's so off today. He walks over to Todoroki's table, waiting patiently for him to pack his bag.

"Sorry for the wait"Todoroki says as swings his bag over his shoulder.

"No problem" [m/n] shakes his head, a little smile on his face. They both begin walking back to the dorms together "wanna work on our homework together?"

"Sure" Todoroki feels his hands brush against [m/n]'s and without much thought he wraps his larger hands around [m/n]'s smaller ones. The action caused [m/n] to jolt a bit but he relaxed his shoulders and intertwined their fingers together. They walked all the way back to the dorm, hand-in-hand, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. When they entered their dorm building a few students were already chilling together in the common area.

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