{48} Mission -Part One-

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**3rd Person's POV

Tonight's the night of the mission [m/n] buttoned up his school uniform shirt as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror. He tucked in his shirt, fixed up the bandages around his arms, and combed his [h/c] fluffy hair before heading out. As he put on his shoes and jacket he hearing a gentle knock on the door.

"Coming" he squeaked out, he grabbed his backpack and hopped over to open his door "Good morning, Todoroki-san" [m/n] smiled up at his boyfriend

"Morning" Todoroki took [m/n]'s hands in his—as expected his face erupted in bright red—and led them both the elevator. The elevator stoped on the fourth floor and Bakugou stepped in.

The blonde looked down to where the couple's hands were intertwined and just groaned.

"Good Morning, Bakugou-san"

"Morning, Bakugou" The blonde just grunted in response. Upon stepping out of the dorm building, the two let go of each other's hands.

"Walk behind me!" The blonde suddenly bark out at the two who were walking ahead of him

"I feel bad for making Aizawa-sensei take us after yesterday" Todoroki spoke nonchalantly, completely ignoring Bakugou's comment.

"He just came back from a mission right?"

"I'm not here to make small talk with you!"

"You—" Todoroki was cut off when they all noticed that in front of them was not Aizawa-sensei as they expected, but All Might and Present Mic.

"You're late, bad boys!"

[m/n] would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed it wasn't Aizawa-sensei taking them this time. He hadn't seem the teachers in almost a week, and he kinda missed him.

"I'll be taking you guys today, too" All Might spoke

"It seems Eraser will be out a lot because of yesterday's incident" Present mic informed them as he poked Bakugou's forehead repeatedly for whatever reasons.

"What's going on?"

"Apparently, they need his power with the girl they rescued, so Eraser asked me to be the bodyguard"

If Eri's with Aizawa-sensei I'm sure she's ok [m/n] smiled to himself, he hoped he would be able to see her one day.

"It's measures we're taking after considering the League's action too" All Might said "Let's go, yesterday was just an easy classroom lecture, but I hear today's training will be tough"

"Hurry up and get your provisional license with a hop, step, here we go!" Present mic draped his arms over Bakugou's shoulder

"We mustn't be late, come on, get on the bus"

One the bus ride, [m/n] and Todoroki together sat together with Bakugou sitting a few seats behind them. [m/n] rested his head on Todoroki's shoulders as he intertwined their hands together.

"I never realised how small your hands are"

"I can't help my dainty little hands" [m/n] pouted

"They're adorable"

Todoroki tilted [m/n]'s chin up and softly kissed him on the lips, the [h/c] haired boy giggled as he smiled into the kiss.

"Wanna hang out in my room tonight?" Todoroki asked once he pulled back from the kiss, his thumb tracing mindless patterned along the back on [m/n]'s hands "It's been a while"

"It's only been like 3 days" [m/n] giggled "...but I have something to do after this class, but if it finishes early then definitely" Todoroki hummed in response.

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