#Special ||Trick or Treat||

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(I suggest listening to this while reading this, for a better experience. I don't what I did, but enjoy)

**3rd person POV

It was a dark and stormy night, the perfect weather for halloween, the students got the day off due to the bad weather and also because it was halloween. They've been working extremely hard and it'd be nice for them to get a break ever once in a while.

It was 3 pm and [m/n] was heading down to the lounge in shorts and a sweater to get some snacks and head back to his room, he was gonna binge watch some anime series, since he had just completed all his assignments.

"Happy Halloween!!" Sero and Kaminari jumped out from the corner in right front of [m/n]

"...hello Kaminari-san, Sero-san" he waved to the two

"wow... no reaction" Sero blinked

"Any plans for this day?" Kaminari draped his arm around [m/n]'s shoulder "we were blessed with a day off, so better not waste it, we should do something... epic!"

"well... I was just gonna relax in my dorm and... watch some stuff..." [m/n] trailed off and maybe talk with Todoroki-san...

"First of all, stuff? You watching porn or something?" Kaminari raised an eyebrow, [m/n] face went pink

"No! No! No! Anime! I was gonna watch anime!" [m/n] defended but was cut off by Sero

"Second of all, that's so lame!" Sero grapped [m/n] and pulled him back into the elevator and went to the 5th floor. The two dragged him into his own room, they sat him on the bed and the two stood in front of him. "The three of us have an idea"

"Three?" [m/n] tilted his head to the side in confusion, suddenly his round chair sofa thing span and sitting inside was Kirishima with his left leg crossed over his right, his hands clasped together, resting on his thigh.

"Yes, three" Kirishima responded keeping a straight face

"...wh...? How did...? Wait, what's... huh?" [m/n] completely lost right now

"We came up with a plan" Sero spoke

"The perfect way to spend halloween" Kaminari continued

"We talked to some others and we came up with..." Kirishima paused

"Haunted house!" The three yelled in unison

"haunted house?" [m/n] repeated

"Yeah! don't you think it'll be fun, we split into different teams and try to scare the hell out of each other" Kirishima leaned in "...it'll be a night to remember" right as after he said that a loud thunder cackled through the sky and the light from the lightening illuminated the room making all four of them jump and stare at the window. [m/n] got up and closed the curtains, but kept his back facing towards them.


"Will you join us?" [m/n] tightly clenched unto the curtains... anime or this? Anime or this? He repeated in his head, this was an extremely hard decision...

"It'll be really fun and we'd love for you to be there, too" screw it

"Ok, I'll do it too" [m/n] turned around and smiled to them

"Alright!" The three exclaimed

"Ok, meet us in the lounge in 15 minutes!" Kirishima yelled out as the three rushed out of his room

"...I hope this will be fun" [m/n] sighed as he closed the door. He changed into black yoga pants, a black tank top with a dark blue hoodie over it and his indoors slippers. He waited around for 15 minutes then headed down to the lounge as Kirishima had instructed.

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