{4} Entrance Exam

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**Your POV**

I went back to my "home" and got reader for the entrance exam, I took a shower and put on my school uniform, in my bag pack I pack the work out clothes, my sai, and a graveling hook. when I was done I made my way over to Midoriya's home, once I arrived at his place I knocked on the door and his mom opens the door 

"Ohiyo gozaimasu Mrs. Midoriya" I bowed

"Ohiyo [m/n]! and Inko is fine" she smiled sweetly

"u-uh... Hai, Inko-san" She was the closet thing I had to a mother figure and she's the only other person besides Midoriya that knows that  my parents are villains. She smiled and went to tell Midoriya that I was here. After a few seconds he hoping down the stairs also wearing our school uniform and carrying his yellow bag pack and made our way to U.A. 

"We... made it.." Midoriya pants, I 'hm' in response

"FUCK OFF, YOU TWO!!" we turn to see the angry blonde walking to us 


"Ohiyo gozaimasu Bakugou-san" I say with a straight face 

"Don't stand in my way, or do you wanna fucking die?" he growled

"Hey theeere g-good morning, and, and, and let's both do our..." Bakugou walked past Midoriya not bothering to let him finish his sentence, he did nothing to us, he didn't even bump into one of Midoriya. 

"weird... let's go, Midoriya-san" Midoriya tripped over his foot after one step, but instead of falling face first into the ground, he was floating?

"PHEEH?" Midoriya was kicking his leg 

"You all right?" the female voice said "Sorry for going crazy with my quirk there. I just think it'd be a bad omen of you tripped, you know" she smiled and 'released' him from her quirk  

"uh..." was all I could say 

"I'm so nervous, bet you are too!"

"Huh? Ah... Uhh..." was all Midoriya could say  

"Well, good luck you two! Later!"

"........." damn, guess I still can't talk comfortably with others, I turned and saw Midoriya sparkling, he's probably thinking 'I just talked to a girl' even though he didn't really talk to her


"WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MU LIVE SHOW! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" silence... I was sitting in between Bakugou and Midoriya. As present mic was explain how the exams would go Midoriya was fanboying and muttering about said hero

"Shut it." Bakugou growled. He would be fighting 'villains' in a city district, three robot each worth different points. 

"Excuse me, may I ask a question!?" one of the examinees stands up with his right arm raised up. I wasn't interested in what he was saying so I tuned him out until I heard saw him point back to our area "moreover, what's with you?" Midoriya pointed at himself face turning white "Yeah, you, curly-haired kid! can't you sit still for a second... you're distracting!! if you think yuuei I some pleasure jaunt, then leave this place at once" he glared at Midoriya

"sorry" Midoriya covered his mouth and held his head down in shame as the others snickered at him. 

"leave him alone!" I suddenly blurted out, on the outside I was glaring at the blue haired kid with glass but on the inside I was panicking, fuck. fuck. fuck! everyone is looking at me "he's just excited to be here! so all of you just piss off! 

"Okay, oookay, settle down you two. Thanks for the segue, much appreciated examinee 7111!" Present mic then explained that the fourth robot is worth zero points, their were 'arena traps' so they just serve as an obstacle 

Claws (Boku no hero academia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now