{Epilogue 3} RIP my search history

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Warning: Explicit Sexual Content 

(Go easy on me here this is my first time ever writing proper smut >////<)

**3rd person's POV

After school Midoriya and [m/n] had both met up for their regular sparring sessions. They would fight each other until one person hits the floor first. This time, the two had gained a bit of an audience of first and second year, even some from their year too, watching them and cheering as they fought one on one.

"[l/n]-senpai, so cool!"

"Come on, Midoriya-senpai!"


"Looks like we got ourselves an audience, Izuku" [m/n] smirked as he jumped back, evading a swift kick from Midoriya

"Yeah" Midoriya chuckled charging at [m/n], sending several jabs which the latter was able to block "guess we have no choice but to put on a show, huh?"

"Agreed" [m/n] slid under between Midoriya's legs to get behind him, he quickly got up and was about to delivery a round house kick but Midoriya was quick to jump away in time.

[m/n] immediately pounced after him, he was aiming swift and relentless jabs towards Midoriya, however his hands weren't in a fist but with his index and middle finger straighten out. The green haired boy knew very well what that meant, [m/n] was aiming for pressure points, meaning he couldn't let the boy land a single hit, therefore forcing him into defence.

"Wow! [l/n]-senpai has Midoriya-senpai on defence!"

"They're moving so fast it's kinda hard to keep up!"

Midoriya managed to get out of defence and do a counter attack, [m/n] ducked down and went to sweep Midoriya's legs but he jumped back.

In terms of strength Midoriya definitely had the upper hand by a landslide, which is why [m/n] focused on not getting hit because one punch could definitely end him.

However, on the other hand, when it came to technique [m/n] was one of the best in class, he could turn his opponents strength against them and he took full advantage of that.

The fight between them carried on at a fast pace, they've been training together for so long that they can read each other's moves, they know each other's strengths and weakness.

Midoriya threw his hands back, powering up One For All, aiming another punch at [m/n]. Midoriya predicted that [m/n] was going to jump back to avoid the punch rather than block it, so he faked the punched, instead pouncing forward to grab [m/n] by his P.E. shirt, sweep his legs and slam his back on the floor, pinning him down.


"That was insane!"

"Midoriya-senpai is so strong!"

"[l/n]-senpai was able to keep up with that crazy speed though!"

The two laid there, breathless and panting, Midoriya got off [m/n] and sat next to him, his head thrown back as he gasped for air. [m/n] sat up looking at Midoriya with a smile on his face

"That makes it 57 to 56 now, with you in the lead" [m/n] said

"Yeah" Midoriya let out a breathy laugh and he stood up from the ground, he stretched his hands out to [m/n] and helped him up as well.

"Midoriya-senpai! [l/n]-senpai! Thank you for your hard work!" A groups of first year girls and boys exclaimed waving at them. The two looked at each other, both blushing, before looking at the group of spectators and sending a shy wave back at them.

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