{12} Round 1

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3rd person's POV

As the tournament was soon going to start, the participants were dealing with their nervous and blowing off some steam. [m/n] went to the mic tower (whatever you call that place) where Aizawa and Present mic 'hosting' well Present mic for the most part, anyways when he got there he knocked on the door and heard Present mic say a very enthusiastic 'come in' [m/n] opened the door slightly and peeked his head inside and saw Aizawa, aka mummy man. he walked inside and bowed to them both 

"Pardon the intrusion" he said politely 

"Heyyyy [m/n]!!" Present mic exclaimed "You did great!! Keep it up!!"

"A-Ah Ari-Arigatogozaimasu" he bowed and looked at Aizawa, his tail wagging slowly and his ears twitching every now and then, he was staring at Aizawa almost expectantly, just like a dog waiting for their treat, Aizawa caught what he was waiting for and decided to give him what he wanted, besides... he thought it was kinda cute (not in a romantic way, just cute, Aizawa's not a pedophile) 

"You did good" he said to him, even something as small as that made [m/n]'s tail to begin wagging at an accelerated pace and his ears perk up higher than before.

"Really?! Arigato!" He smiled with blush on his cheeks, Sensei complimented me! I'm so happy

"Anyways you have to go, we'll soon begin..." Aizawa said then he turned around "good luck" he said almost like a whisper but [m/n] still heard it and that made him even happier

"I'll do my best!!" he bowed and left 

"He's normally really shy, but he gets so happy and excited around you, why is that?" Present mic asked Aizawa

"...how should I know?" in truth Aizawa did know, he just didn't what to say 'I saved him when he was young from dying when we attack his parents because they're villains'

[m/n] was on his way to the bleachers to join the rest of class 1-A, hoping that he would bump into Midoriya on his way and luckily he did

"Midoriya-san" he said and the boy turned around looking a bit anxious "You're going first, correct?"

"Yeah" he sighed "I'm really nervous, I hope I'll be able win"

"Ojiro-san explained something about this guy to you right? So just follow those instructions and be careful"

"Yeah I will."

"Don't rely on One for All to much, you can't control it well so you'll hurt yourself too much if you use it too much" [m/n] warned 

"yeah, yeah... you know, you sound like your my mom" Midoriya giggled and [m/n] blushed at the comment

"B-Baka! I'm not your mom" he pouted, So cute Midoriya smiled "A-Anyways... good luck"

"Thanks!" he smiled and hugged him, [m/n] was surprised by this, he's not a hugger but he was comfortable enough with Midoriya so he hugged him back, after the hug, [m/n] went to the bleachers and Midoriya to the entrance of were he will be battling Shinsou. [m/n] took a seat between Iida and Uraraka, which they had save for him and one next to Uraraka for Midoriya, [m/n]'s tail was hitting the chair over and over again 

"uhh... [n/l/n]-kun are you nervous about the match?" Uraraka asked a bit worried for him 

"oh... is it that obvious?" he scratched the back of his neck

"Midoriya is very outstanding, I don't think you have to be so worried for him, [n/l/n]" Iida said

"I guess your right... thanks Iida-san" [m/n] looked down at his lap, his tail slowed down but he was still fidgeting in his seat.

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