{32} Brother

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**3rd person's POV

"Next...." He spoke "Next, it's your turn"

After all that had happened they met up with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu then went with Bakugou and [m/n] to the police station, the whole way there everyone remained silent. When they arrived at the police building two officers showed up and escorted them inside, leaving the other four outside for the time being.

Bakugou and [m/n] were taken in for examination, to check for any injury. They had taken the make shift bandage off of [m/n]'s thigh to properly treat it, but were in shock to see that there wasn't an injury. The place where toga had stabbed him was still visible and obvious with the dried up blood and swollen-ness of it, but it didn't hurt that much anymore. [m/n] explained to them that because of his 'quirk' wounds like this heal faster than the average person, a similar thing happened with the stain incident. Even though he had the most injuries he healed the fastest out of the other three.

After checking them, they brought them to a room where they asked them some questions so they could get a better understanding of what had happened and possibly even get a lead on where the villains were. Bakugou and [m/n] just told them that they didn't know their plans, but they both left out the part about the villains asking them to join their side.

"Alright, now I would like to question you, [l/n] [m/n], on Takahashi Yukio" the man asked making [m/n] flinch "what is your relation ship with him?"

"...Half brother" [m/n] said in a small voice 

"Related by who? Mom or dad?"


"I see" he wrote down somethings on his notepad "and do you know why he showed up today?"

"I don't know..."

"Do you know where he is right now? Or where he will be?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you know about him?"

"...we don't talk anymore" [m/n]'s furry ears hung low


"..." [m/n] didn't answer, he didn't what to answer, information like this could just be publicized and that would make things harder for him. It's hard enough right now as it is, people still don't accept the fact that the son of two dangerous villains is trying to be a hero. They don't trust him, it's been months already, when will they get over it?

"Listen kid, I'm not trying to pressure you, you've been through a lot already. The both of you have, but we're trying to prevent this from happening again. We wanna know as much as possible so we can track down he league of villains and finally stop them. I just want the truth, no matter what."

"...we...we just separated, that's all" [m/n] finally spoke

"Is he connected to the league of villains in anyway?"

"No" [m/n] said

"How can you be sure?"

"...ever since we were little, he never showed interest in heroes or villains, he didn't care and even now he's still the same... He doesn't want to be part of an organization or be labeled as 'hero' or 'villain' he just wants to do his own thing."

"Ok" he wrote down more things "thank you both for your cooperation" he led the two of them outside to met with the others that were waiting outside. Immediately Bakugou began to walk away heading back to his home. Once he left the rest exchanged quick goodbyes and began to go on their own journey home. Midoriya and [m/n] were going in the same direction, walking together in silence until Midoriya broke it

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