{49} Mission -Part Two-

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**3rd person's POV

"Raid." Gang orca looked to the boy, without saying anything else [m/n] stepped closer and sniffed the air.

"There's at least 15 people in there, including Alexis." He whispered "I can't sense anyone else around the perimeter so it's safe to say all the targets are inside."

"Wow, you can tell all that just by sniffing the air?" Hawks said, sounding a bit impressed

"Y-Yeah" [m/n] nodded his head quickly


"Alright, everybody ready?" Gang Orca asked, all the others nodded their heads

"Let's end this quickly" Hawks spoke

Just as they had planned the night before, Gang Orca, Hawks, Shadow, and Kamui wood were the first to enter into the warehouse, while [m/n], Tokoyami, and Mount lady each stood by one exit. Mount lady by the main entrance, Tokoyami by the main exit, and [m/n] by the back wall just in case someone tried to use the window as an escape.

Not even up to five minutes later loud crashes and grunts could be heard coming from inside the warehouse. [m/n] closed his eyes for a moment, deepening his concentration in order to hear or sniff out anyone trying to escape.

It was all going fairly smoothly at first, the four on the inside seemed to be handling themselves quite well, taking out each villain one by one. However, there were a few that managed to slip out.

Two ran out of the main entrance, so Mount lady was immediately going after them. There was another one that ran out of the back gate, running right into Tokoyami who didn't hesitate to go after him.

[m/n] ears and eyes darted swiftly from left to right, his the fur puffing out.

He heard light foot steps calmly walking out through the main entrance. [m/n] ran over since Mount lady was chasing after two others. He wasn't surprised to see that it was Alexis exiting through the door. He was able to recognise her scent.

"Alexis..." [m/n] snarled, baring his fangs at the woman

"Well, well, well" she placed a hand on her hips, an amused smirk on her face "last time I saw you, you were just a kid, look how you've grown. Never would've thought you'd end up with the heroes, you're parents would be so disappointed" she tsk'ed as she slowly shook her head

"Like hell I care what they think"

"I had high hopes for you, boy" she sighed "but you're out here playing hero. Y'know you're wasting your time if you really think anyone is gonna accept you"

"You don't know what you talking about" an inhuman like growl escaped his throat. He brought out his claws and began charging at Alexis.

"Oh, but I do" She spoke calmly as she easily dodged his attack "those tattoos on your back are an indicator of where you truly belong" she said as she continued to dodge each of [m/n]'s kicks and punches.

She sent a fast jab and hit [m/n]'s stomach causing him to hunch over, gasping for air. She then turned on her heels and bolted out of there, the [h/c] haired male forced himself to get up and began running after her.

He pulled out two shurikens and threw them at her, she managed to evade on of them, but the other got cut on her cheek.

She came to a stop in an empty sketchy street, it was dark so the streetlamp were on, there were a few people but they knew better than to interrupt so they just kept walking and minded their own business.

"You don't belong there, [m/n]" Alexis turned around "you'd be way better off as a villain, you'd be respected, you'd be feared."

"If you're trying to turn me over to your side, save it. It didn't work the first time, it's not gonna work now"

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