{2} All might!!?

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Just a quick side note: the flow of the story will be following the manga, because I've already watched the anime twice (recently finished the second time, like 4 days ago) and since I haven't read the manga, I'll be killing two birds with one stone. Enjoy the story~

*Your POV*

==========6 years later==========

Ever since the day my parents have been captured and I ran away from the heroes and news reporters, there has been a search going on, so I was forced to go into hiding, who knows what they'll do if they find me. The only way I survived was with my parents money, in my bag pack I found a map, they must have put it there, I followed it and it lead me to an underground hide out and they was a safe with lots of money, enough for me to survive for a long time so I stayed there, only my parents and now me know about this hideout. I hate to admit it but smart move of them. After 4 years they called off the search for me and I was able to appear public, but I still stayed low, don't wanna bring any attention to myself. I kept my first name since it's pretty common but change my last name to [n/l/n]. when I turned 12, I wanted to go to school, it's part of being a kid and I want to have as much of a normal life as I can, so I found a middle school that wasn't very popular. I took an entrance exam and I passed, I had been studying on my for the past 4 years, but I wanted to know more and be able to socialize since I probably have social anxiety. When I got to school, there was one kid I recognized, the quirkless boy I bumped into 4 years ago when I was running away, Midoriya Izuku. He recognized me immediately and we slowly became closer. It took me time to become comfortable with him since I didn't know how to be social, but it eventually happened, he is now what people call a 'best friend'.

Now I'm 14 years old in my third year of middle school, and I'm walking to school with Midoriya-san. We saw that there was a huge battle going on with a huge villain and some heroes, we had some time before school so we went to watch.

"wow!" Midoriya awed "watch a huge villain!"

"GO AWAAAAAAY!!" the villain screeched 

"who is fighting?" Midoriya asked

"Um, I think it's the one you call kamui wood" I answered

"Kamui of the woods! so this is that kid hero whose star is rising!"

"Whoa, you sure love providing exposition, you a hero otaku!!?" an old guy said

"Oh, hehe, I , uhh..." He got embarrassed at the guys comment, I looked up and say his hands beginning to extent and branch out

"Show us your best move, tree guy!!"

"Ah! Here it comes! his ultimate preemptive strike..."

"LACQUER PRISON!!!" kamui wood exclaimed, but before he could do the finishing blow, a giant woman kicked the villain surprising everyone 

"CANYON CANNON!!" she yelled as she knocked out the villain, she bent over showing off her ass and the new crew taking photos "This villain really suits my formal debut! My name is 'mount lady'! pleasure to meet you, and leave the rest to me"

"Talk about 'butting' in" I say nonchalantly, I looked over to see Midoriya muttering about mount lady and scribbling some things down on his note book.

" You taking notes!? Aiming to be a hero, huh? nice1 Good luck kidd!!" the guy say

"Yes sir!! I'll do my best!!" he smiled brightly 

"Come on Midoriya-san, let's go or we'll be late" I pulled on his sleeve and dragged him to school


"C'mon class! you're middle school seniors!" sensei said "It's time you started thinking seriously about your futures!! Ill be handing out printouts on your desired life-course! You all want to be heroes, don't you?" he threw the papers and everyone started showing off their quirks, I looked to my right to be Midoriya raising his hand slightly "Yes, yes, your quirks are all wonderful. but it's against the rules to use them during school!"

Claws (Boku no hero academia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now