{42} Tokuda-san

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**3rd person's POV

That morning the students of class 1-A were called to gather together in the common room area so that Aizawa could announce to them that a reporter with be coming over to write about them.

"Newspaper!?" The students yelled out in shock.

"Yeah. A newspaper wants to do a feature on you all" Aizawa said, pretending not to notice [m/n] staring excitedly at him as his tail furiously swayed back and fort.

"Isn't that amazing Deku-kun!?" Uraraka said in amazement getting really close to Midoriya.

"Y-Yeah" he stuttered out.

"Hmm, I've never been in a newspaper before" [m/n]'s tail kept waging in excitement without the boy realising. Midoriya wanted to tell him that when he was kidnapped by the villains we was in the newspaper too... but he didn't have the heart to break it to him so he just let it slide. The students were chatting enthusiastically about the news and getting a little louder.

"Quiet." Aizawa commanded and they instantly went completely silent and still "the article is meant to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you just moved into. The principle thought it would be good for your parents and guardians to see you all living happily in the dorms, so he gave special permission..."

[m/n] couldn't help but hear Mineta suddenly talking about whether the reported would be a girl or boy, and of course he went off on a perverted rant about her boobs and stuff. [m/n] was usually very calm and easy going but he wanted nothing more than to shut Mineta up right then. But Aizawa beat him to it, he wrapped the short boy's whole body in his scarf thing to shut him up.

"You better not be doing anything like that" He scolded the little pervert.

"You don't have to go that far, Aizawa-sensei" a new voice appeared. They all turned their attention back to the front of the room and saw a fairly tall and lanky man with thick glasses and black messy hair. He must be the reporter "i want to report on the U.A. students in their natural state in the dorms."

"Tokuda-san, I didn't say you could come in yet."

"I was told to be here from 8am to 6pm" he pointed at his large watch "it's already time" Aizawa said nothing as he unwrapped Mineta from his scarf. Then the reporter walked in and stood next to him and began to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tokuda-san, the reporter. Thanks for having me here today" He bowed to the students and they bowed back in return .

"Nice to meet you!"

"You don't have to do anything special. Please just show the camera how you normally live. I might ask you questions occasionally, so I'll be counting on you then" he winked

"He's so delightful and handsome" Ashido cheered

"Not a woman, huh?" Mineta sighed in disinterested

"What to do?" Aoyama posed drastically "I'm always sparkling, so I can't help but be a wonderful subject for pictures"

"You're amazing... Aoyama" Sato said in a monotone voice

"I feel like I'm gonna be really awkward" [m/n]'s sweat dropped "i don't think I can act natural if there's a camera in front of me"

"i'm sure you'll be fine [m/n]-kun." Midoriya assured the boy "you have a really cute face, so you'll look great. Right, Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya playfully nudged said boy

"Mmh, definitely" Todoroki said as he smiled at a speechless [m/n], whose face was cherry red, he could barely look the two in the eyes.

"Iida, if there's a problem let me know immediately" Aizawa instructed "got it?"

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