{35} Ultimate Move

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**3rd person's POV

"Can we talk?" [m/n] asked his hands twitching slightly as they held on to Todoroki's shirt.

"Yeah, your room then?" He suggested and [m/n] nodded, then led the both of them into his room. They put their backpacks on the floor and sat down on [m/n]'s comfy bed "so, what did you wanna talk about?" Todoroki was the first to speak up again.

"Yes, well... um... as you know... you and I, not too long ago, we uh..."

"Is this about the kiss?" Todoroki cut in and [m/n] gently nodded "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"

"What!? No, no, it's nothing like that, I swear" [m/n] panicked a bit

"oh... then what is it?"

"well... I guess I'm just confused, I don't know what to do... what to call us. Cause I'm pretty sure friends don't kiss like that..." [m/n] fiddled with his fingers, still shy and embarrassed about this topic.

"Alright, so what do you want us to be?" Todoroki leaned in slightly "something more?" He gazed directly into [m/n]'s eyes. Yes... the [h/c] haired male thought desperately.

"...we shouldn't..." Todoroki was rather taken aback by this response, he wasn't expecting this at all "we should just stay as friends..."

"what? Why?" Todoroki kept a heavy gaze on [m/n], but the latter couldn't look Todoroki back in the eye for more than 5 seconds.

"...if- if we're together it won't be good for you..." [m/n] kept his gaze down

"And why's that?" Todoroki asked, bending down to try and look into the other's eyes but he turned his head away "hey, look at me..." [m/n] shook his head, Todoroki grabbed [m/n]'s chin with his thumb and index finger and forced the [h/c] haired boy to look him in the eye "what do you mean it won't be good for me?"

"...you know why"

"no, I don't."

"... because it's me, if we're together and people find out they'll say that i'm just using you, that I don't care about you and that it's all fake. There'll be so much hate against you because of me, it'll be hard for you to become a hero and I don't want to be a burden to you." [m/n] bit his lip harshly trying his hardest not to cry right in front of him. It hurts him so much, he wants to be with him, but for Todoroki's sake [m/n] shouldn't be with him. He has so much potential to be a great hero, [m/n] feels that he would hold him back, especially because of their polar opposite background. "Everything that's happened to U.A., everyone blames me for, and it is my fault"

"That's not true." Todoroki said firmly, his hands now gripping tightly unto [m/n]'s shoulders "no one blames you."

"They do... all the senpais' blame me. They said it's my fault the villains keep finding us, it's my fault that Bakugou-san got kidnapped, it is my fault that All Might is gone. And they're right" all of his anxieties and fears began spilling out of his mouth uncontrollably, like word vomit "what if mother and father put a tracking device on me and that's how they keep finding us. No one wants me here at all, they all think that I'm a traitor. It be better for everyone if I just disappeared" [m/n] gently pushed Todoroki's hands off of his shoulder "I'm no good for you... so just forget about all this... please. It's best to stay friends, at least that way no one will gossip about you and you're reputation will be fine." He let out a slow shaky breathe, looking back at the other with glossy eyes trying his best not to let the tear slip and forcing a smile.

"...bullshit" [m/n] was taken aback and surprised by Todoroki's sudden change of language "you're not tell me everything are you?"

"w-what are you talking about?"

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