#Special ||New Years, New m-- shut the fuck up!||

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**Just a cute video I felt like adding**

(Note: The students live in the dorm and this has no effect on the actual story, but they know about [m/n]'s parents being villains)

3rd person POV

[m/n] rolled around in his bed, they had moved into the dorms a few months ago (I have no idea how accurate that is, but just roll with it) He lived on the 4th floor along with Shouji, Kirishima, and Bakugou. He's room was at the very end of the hall, the next room to his was Bakugou's, then Kirishima's, and finally Shouji's room. There wasn't any school because it was gonna be new year soon.

"Damn, I guess I'll be spending another new year alone... I wonder what the others are doing, I bet they're having fun" he laughed bitterly to himself as he laid in bed, no motivation to get up, even though it was already 2 pm 

==========One week ago==========

The students were currently hanging out in their student lounge, it was the day before they would go on break and they decided to hang out before leaving. They were just eating and chilling and talking about random stuff. [m/n] was sandwiched between a very active Kirihisma and Kaminari

"Ne, [l/n]-kun, what are you gonna go during the break?" Kirishima question the smaller male 

"Yeah" Kaminari joined "got any special plans?"

"No, not really, I'm actually staying in the dorms"

"Seriously?! But everyone is leaving" Kirishima shrieked 

"Dude" Kaminari hugged him, Kirshima joined in "You can chill with us"

"You wanna sleepover at my place" Kirishima asked

"N-No it's fine, I don't want to be a bother" [m/n] said, attempting to hide his blushing face

"aww, [l/n]-kun, your blushing a lot" Kirishima laughed poking [m/n] cheek, making him blush more, and the other students giggled at them

"What movie should we watch guys?" Uraraka piped up

"Let's watch *insert movie name*" Sero suggested and that was the movie they watched. Once the movie was over, some of the students were already sleepy since it was already midnight

"All right guys, we better head to our rooms, have a good break" Iida said 

"See you guys after the break"

"See ya" Everyone began heading their separate ways

"[m/n]-kun"[m/n] turned around to see a Midoriya calling out to him

"Midoriya-san, what is it?"

"I heard that you didn't have any plans for new year, do you wanna come over to my place, you can sleep over and we can spend new years together, I would have invited you over in junior high, but I never knew you lived alone, I always thought that you had a relative or something" he said to the [h/c] haired teen

"It's ok Midoriya, I don't want to intrude anything, you should spend new years with your mom, I don't want to bother you guys"

"You won't be a bother, it's just... I don't want you to be lonely on new years"

"just because I'll be alone doesn't mean I'll be lonely, I wasn't lonely during new years back then, because I knew I had you, and I would see you again, and it's the same this time, it's fine Midoriya-san." [m/n] smiled reassuringly to Midoriya

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