{19} Father's plan

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**3rd person's POV

After the incident with the Hero Killer and Takahashi had been reported the 4 U.A. students were sent to the hospital to treat the injuries received from this event. Now the four of the sit on their beds in their shared hospital rooms.

"Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki questions the boy sitting in front of him

"No, not really" he replies 

"I didn't think so, me neither" Todoroki said. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, Midoriya was sitting in the centre of his bed, Iida sat criss crossed on the edge and [m/n] was also sitting criss crossed in the centre of his bed, leaning against the head board

"if you think about it now, we did something amazing, huh?" Midoriya looked up at the ceiling remember the events that just took place.

"Yeah" Todoroki agreed

"seeing an ending like that really make you feel like it's a miracle we're alive" Midoriya had a worried look on his face "with my leg like this, he probably could have killed us if he wanted to" he said placing a hand on his bandaged up legs

"yeah" Todoroki said looking at his bandaged arm "we were obviously left alive on purpose. You're amazing to have been able to face him" he said looking to Iida who still remained silent "after all the murderous intent directed to you"

"No that's not it" he looked "i.." but he was interrupt by Gran Tornio

"Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" he was standing next to manual, the pro hero who Iida was doing his internship with

"Gran Torino" Midoriya smiled

"Manual..." Iida whispered to himself

"Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you" 


"But before that you've got a visitor" the four U.A. students turned their head towards the door and a tall person with a dog head came walking in. "Hosu's chief of police, Tsuragamae Kenji" Iida and Todoroki stood up, followed by [m/n] and Midoriya was about to stand up but the cheif said that he can just stay seated because of his leg injury 

"You must be the U.A. students that brought down the Hero Killer, right?"

"Hai" He told them that the hero killer is receiving treatment for his broken bones and burns under high security. Then he said that it took time for society to see quirks as the "norm" and that was because heroes of the past followed the rules and moral to not hurt others without certification. that even against the Hero Killer, to hurt an individual with their quirks without any certification or supervision from a guardian was a clear violation of the rule.

"The four of you, and the pro heroes, Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment"

"Wait a minute" Todoroki began "if Iida hadn't done anything Native-san would have been killed"

"Todoroki-kun..." Iida looked at him a little surprised 

"If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed" his voice went up a little bit "No one realized that the hero killer had appeared. Are you saying we should have followed the rules and watched people get killed?" He moved forward

"w-w-wait" Midoriya stutter putting him hand in front of Todoroki, [m/n] grabbed his hands to keep him back

"Are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, it's ok to bend the rules?" the chief looked at Todoroki

"Isn't it a heroes job to save people" Todoroki's voice increased in volume

"That is why you are not a full fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by U.A. and Endeavor, woof?"

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