{21} Written Exams -_-

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**3rd person's POV

It was a hot summer morning, the students were currently sitting in Aizawa's class.

"Well, its almost time for summer vacation, but of course, it wouldn't make sense for you to rest for the whole month" Aizawa said in his monotone voice

Don't tell me Kaminari sweat dropped

"During summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods" Aizawa told them

"I knew it! Yes!" the students rejoiced 

"Let's test out courage!" Ashido threw her fist in the air

"Baths!" minute appeared next to her

"Fireworks" Asui smiled

"open-aired baths!" Mineta made a grouping motion with his hands

"curry" Iida raised his hand

"hot spring!" Mineta popped up

"if we're out in nature, we will have to work under different conditions, right?" Yaoyorozu placed a hand on her chin

"no matter the environment, we must choose wisely..." Tokoyami had his arms crossed "interesting"

"eating and sleeping with everyone!" Hagakure said excitedly "I'm getting excited!"

"however!" Aizawa suddenly spoke out, silencing the students "those who do not pass the final exam before that... will be in summer school hell!"

"Everyone, let's do our best!" Kirishima yelled out as he clenched his fists

"This is damn stupid" Bakugou growled with a deep scowl on his face

"Girls, do your best!" Mineta yelled as he grabbed Midoriya's shoulder and Midoriya just had a 'I'm so done with your shit' face, to which [m/n] giggled at.


"Okay, that's it for class" Aizawa said as the bell rung "There's only one week left until final exams. You're actually studying properly, right?" he looked at the students "I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical exponent, make sure you train your minds and your bodies at the same time. That's all" he said as he left the classroom.

"I haven't studied at all!" Kaminari shrieked in horror and Ashido yelled out so carefree... he came in 21th place for the midterms while Ashido came in 20th place.

"with the sports festival and internship, I didn't study at all!" Kaminari yelled as Ashido laughed in the background 

"It's true that we had one event after another, but..." Tokoyami sweat dropped. He came in 14th place for the midterms. Koda and Sato were talking about the test too, well Sato did all the talking. Koda came in 12th and Sato came in 13th

"it'll be tough since there's also a practical exam, too" Mineta crossed his legs and leaned his hand on the table, basically he was sitting like a queen. He was boastful since he got 10th place on the midterms which is quite shocking

"T-Tenth place on the midterms!?" Kaminari and Ashido yelled

"And I thought you were one of us!" Ashido whined

"guys like you are only likable if they're dumb!" Kaminari growled "where's the demand for this!?"

"the world, I guess" he, Mineta, sparkled

"Ashido-san, Kaminari-kun" Midoriya walk up to the two "l-let's do our best" Midoriya came in 5th place "we all want to go to the training camp together, right?"

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