{51} Deja-vu

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**3rd person's POV

"Look! Look! Look at me!" Ashido yelled out, she stepped back to create more space between her the class and began break dancing. "Breaking! Breaking!"

"Pow! Pow!" Hagakure and Sero began chanting as she starting spinning

"Dancing is her hobby, huh?"

"If you gonna wear something under then take off the skirt!"

"Mineta-san, don't be gross" [m/n] scolded

"You can't talk like that!" Hagakure began repeatedly hitting him on the head

"Ashido-san must be able to fight well because of her dancing" Midoriya began mutter as he flipped through his notebook

"Taking more notes?" [m/n] asked as he leaned in closer to Midoriya to take a look at his notebook

"During our first combat training, I'll never forget how she burnt my cape and the finals at the sports festival... I'll never forget that either" Aoyama spoke, line forming on his forehead as he remembered his traumatic memory.

"Maybe I'll try it too..." Midoriya said

"That would be fun!" [m/n] perked up his tail suddenly beginning to wag

"Why don't you get her to teach you?" Kaminari suggested

"Ok boys, let's dance!" Ashido exclaimed

"Oh uh, please teach me!" Midoriya said

"First the two-step" she began doing the two step move "step forward and back, left and right, and swing both arms"

"L... Like this?" Midoriya and Aoyama attempted to do the dance move she demonstrated... if you can even call it that

"Kinda like this maybe?" [m/n] attempted the move, it started a little awkward but after a few more steps and he got comfortable with the move he was able to do it like Ashido did.

"Wow! You're a natural!" Ashido praised him!

"Whoa! I didn't know you could dance, [m/n]-kun"

"Neither did I, I guess..." [m/n] fiddled with his fingers, suddenly realising that a bunch of them were watching him and feeling shy again.


"Um... we're going to have a school festival" Aizawa announced to the class once everyone was seated

"Shoonent!!" The class cheered (short for 'super normal school event')

"School festival!"

"A super normal school event!"

"Lets decided what we're gonna do!

"Aizawa-sensei! Is it really ok to be carefree at this time?" Kirishima jumped up and asked

"Kirishima—you've changed" Kaminari pointed out

"But it's true—villains are flourishing right now"

"You're right—that's a very reasonable opinion." Aizawa began "however, U.A. isn't just a hero course. If the sports festival is a big moment for the hero course, the school festival is for the other course students to shine. It doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but for them, it's an event they look forward to. And there are those who are feeling stressed by the current conditions which, starting with the dorm system, came about before of the hero course."

"Thinking about it that way, there's no excuse for not holding it." Kirishima sat back down, sounding a little defeated

"Yeah. That's why we can't just say we won't have it." The man continued "unlike past years, this year, other than some of the people involved, the festival will be just for the school" he went over to the corner and slouched down "even if we aren't the focus, each class still needs to participate with something. You need to decided that today." And with that he fell asleep

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