#Special ||Throwback Thursdays||

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**3rd Person's POV

Yesterday [m/n] had gotten permission from the school to leave the dorms the morning before his first class of the day for a quick trip to the police department to get some documents sorted out (guardian stuff) plus an emergency trip to the store. He had to leave the dorms at 6:45am to give him more than enough time to make both of his stops and get back to school just in time for his 8am class.

Thankfully it was a smooth trip to the police department and a smoother trip to the store as well. He bought two chocolate milk for himself and Midoriya and a strawberry milk for Todoroki, as well as a packet of pocky for him. He remember how Todoroki once mentioned that he liked those. [m/n] smiled to himself as he walked happily down the sidewalk, having a little bounce in his steps.

When he turned a corner he saw two little boys, about 10 years old, fighting a few meters ahead. He look from left to right trying to see if there was parent near by. Nothing.

"u-uh..." he gulped nervously, was it his place to interrupt? It was starting to get a little more violent and he would hate for either one to get hurt. He took a deep breath and marched towards them. It's two kids, how hard could it be?? [m/n] thought, trying to convince himself I can totally do this. "u-ummm, excuse m—" before [m/n] could even get a sentence out, one of the boys had freaked out upon hearing the male's voice and accidentally punched him in the gut. [m/n] hunched over in pain. Powerful punch for someone who's ten [m/n] wheezed

"I-I-I'm sorry!" The boy yelped and ran off

"You idiot! I told you so!" The second boy followed after him.

"Gotta love children, huh" [m/n] grunted as he stood up straight, there was an instant where the boy's eyes glowed but [m/n] just shrugged it off, he had less than 15 minutes to get to class and he was still a good 10 minutes away.

He deiced to jog the rest of the way back, not wanting to risk being late to Aizawa's class or else he might scold him... [m/n] hated whenever Aizawa scolded him.


Thankfully [m/n] made it to school on time, a few minutes before the bell rang. As he was walking to class he felt the ground underneath him sway back and forth. He shook his head and forced his way to go to class. He was getting dizzier and dizzier with each step that he made. His head was getting fuzzy like he was forgetting things. When he slide the door open, everyone was already in class and they all looked at him with concerned expression.

Is it me? Or is the floor getting closer...?

Suddenly, he black out right after hearing a loud thud and feeling his body go limp.




[m/n] slowly blinked his eyes open, his sight was covered by something, a large shirt? He crawled out of the head opening and came face to face with several people that were much taller and bigger than him...

"AHHH!!" [m/n] screamed as he shuffled backwards until his back was against the wall. He stared back at them wide eyed, filled with horror as they all took several steps back. He slowly stood up, still keeping his back against the wall, as if trying to become one with the it.

I-Is this another simulation Mother and Father set up?? Wuh-When did it become so advance??

"[m/n]-kun?" A fluffy green hair boy came towards the frightened boy, going on his knees so he was on his eye level. "do you remember us?"

How the hell does he know my name??

[m/n]'s chest heaved up and down, his eyes were hurriedly scanning the room, they seamed to be in a class room, he had nothing on but a way too big white button shirt, a pile of clothes in front of him, with a [f/c] backpack and a plastic bag and a group of big people all in uniform staring at him.

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