{34} Can we talk?

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**[m/n]'s POV

It's almost 4 am and I'm still awake, great. I was hoping that maybe I would have finally been able to sleep for a full night but I as wrong. These days, especially since the villains kidnapped me and Bakugou-san during our training camp, I haven't been able to sleep properly. I either can't sleep for the whole night, or I keep waking up at ungodly hours. I guess this time is no different. I laid in bed, moving around to get in a comfortable position to fall asleep but nothing changed. So I ended up staying up in bed for about another hour.

"Well, I might as well just shower..." I muttered to myself. I just up from my bed, took a towel, change of clothes and some other toiletries. I headed down to the showers as quietly as possible, everyone else was asleep in their rooms and I didn't want to wake them up. Once I placed my things on the sink counter I took off all my clothes and began soaking in one of the baths. The heat from the water relaxing my tensed up muscles, and calming my mind a little.

The water was clear and I could see the scars on my legs, I raised up my arms to see the countless others along them. I Ran my fingers along my torso underneath the water, I could feel the damaged skin caused from the training, whipping, and at some point burning. Disgusting... I sank lower into the tub until the water covered my lips. I closed my eyes trying not to think about my parents, instead I thought about all the changes that have happened in the last three days. We had moved into he dorm, had a room contest things and... Todoroki-san said that he likes me. He even kissed me. That made me really happy to be honest... but maybe he really did just do that to be nice. Why would someone like him like someone like me? I'm nothing special so... why would he want me at all?

"So much for calming my mind..." I mumbled into the water. I got out and went to one of the stalls to shower properly, I took my time since I had a lot of it to spare. Once I was done with my shower and changed my clothes I stood in front of a mirror drying my [h/l] [h/c] hair and brushing my teeth. I noticed the clear dark circles already formed underneath my eye "damn it"

It was past 6 am now, everyone else is probably still asleep so I headed back up to my room quietly to avoid waking them up. When I got back to my room I sat on my desk and began sketching some drawings in my sketch book. Before I knew it, over an hour had past by just like that. They should be waking up right about now...

"I don't feel like breakfast today" I said to myself as I stood up from my desk and stretched out my limbs. Before changing into my uniform I texted Izuku telling him that I wouldn't make it to breakfast. He asked if everything was alright but I just said that i'm not hungry since I ate a lot last night, which isn't exactly a lie.

Since it was summer we wore our summer uniform, which was the short sleeve shirt. I wrapped a bandage around my entire arm to cover my scars. I packed my backpack and cleaned up my room a little bit. I looked in the mirror to see that the dark circles under my eyes may have actually gotten worse.

"Shit" I cursed "maybe I can use make up to cover it up... too bad I don't have any" I rolled my eyes and flopped down on my bed. I had a couple extra minutes to spare before I had to leave to make it to class. About 10 minutes later Izuku texted me saying he was ready and I grabbed my things and headed to his room on the second floor. "Ohayo, Izuku"

"Ohayo, [m/n]-kun" he smiled back, but then I noticed me stared intensely at me "did you sleep at all...?"

"y-yes" I wasn't ready to already be asked questions so soon "it's ok, let's go, or we'll be late" I brushed off the topic quickly and pulled him into the elevator by his wrist. Luckily, for the time being, he didn't ask any more questions.

**3rd person POV

The walk to school was about five minutes which was really convenient for the students of class 1-A. Before the bell rang all the students were already seated in their seats and Aizawa Sensei began the class.

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