{9} New Kid

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**3rd person POV

The next day school was temporarily closed and [m/n] was still unconscious at the time, some students came in to check up on him and see how he was doing. Recovery girl informed them that from a fight early with Nomu, in had shattered a few of his ribs and broken some others, not only did he lose a lot of blood but the mutation also caused him to lose more blood and had a great toll on his body. He might not even survive , upon hearing the last part a lot of students got even more worried, even though he looked so peaceful in his sleep.

==========Same day at 4 p.m.==========

[m/n] slowly opened his eyes, to see white wall and some pale blue curtains, he looked to the side to see Recovery girl at her desk.

"wha-what happened... to me" he said barely audible 

"You went unconscious, broke some bone and lost a lot of blood, and 'other things' we weren't sure you were gonna make it. Glad to see your up" she smiled to him and he suddenly remembered what happened before the mutation

"Where's Aizawa-sensei!!? Is he Ok!?!" he quickly sat up

"Calm down, he'll be fine"

"Yokatta" (thank goodness) he calmed down, laying back down

"Oh, and you will be taking a week off school"

"EEHHH!? No! No! I'm ok, I wanna go to class! I'm fine! really!" he shot back up 


"You healed my broken bones right!? and I don't feel sick or dizzy anymore, please... let me go to class... I-I don't want to be... alone" he said the last part quietly but she still heard him.

"*sigh* ok, today is an off day anyways, so you have to rest here for the day and tomorrow go for class."

"Hai" he stretched his arms and brushed his hand through his hair only to feel something that wasn't there before "eh?" he used both of his hands to touch all over his head in panic and his hands settled on two pairs of furry wolf ears "EEEEHHHH!!!?" 

"R-R-Recovery Girl??!!" his voice trembled "W-What happened!?!?"

"You might want to have a look in the mirror.... there's more"

"MORE!!?" he jumped off the bed and ran to the mirror to see he now has [f/c] wolf ears

Then he saw something appear from behind him, swaying left and right, it was long and furry and he had absolutely no control over it

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Then he saw something appear from behind him, swaying left and right, it was long and furry and he had absolutely no control over it.

"I-I have a tail...?" he went pale

?" he went pale

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