{11} Cavalry Battle

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The song doesn't really have much to do with the story, but it's SOOOOO COOOOOL, and it also kinda suits the characters themselves if you think about it, it's a fusion of there different songs. I just needed to share this. 

*Note*: I made some changed here and there, so not all the teams are the going to be the same as in the anime/manga.

3rd person's POV

"...with the exception of first, whose head is worth... TEN MILLION POINTS" midnight announced making everyone to surround Midoriya, pushing [m/n] out off the way in the process and stare at him hungrily. then she explained there rule of the games to them, after that she gave them 15 minutes to find their teams. 

Midoriya went around asking if people would be in the same team with him, but everyone he turned to just rejected him, or simply turned their heads as if they hadn't noticed him. He couldn't find [m/n] so he assumed that he had already joined his own team. Maybe he already made a team with Todoroki-kun or maybe Kirishima-kun he thought sadly, a little bit of panic too since he was running out of time and had no team members yet.

"Midoriya-san" [m/n] called to the green haired making him face him "there you are, we need to find two others for our team"

"[m/n]-kun!!!" he suddenly cried out "you'll be a team with me!?!"

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" [m/n] tilted his head to the side genuinely confused

"I-I just thought you'd be in a different team like everyone aiming for the ten million points" 

"Baka" [m/n] flicked his forehead "why would I do that?" he was going to say more but they were interrupted by the presence of a new voice

"Deku-kun, [n/l/n]-kun" Uraraka called the two "let's team up!"

"Uraraka!!!" he cried out, his tears wetting their clothes "are you sure it's ok!? even thought everyone will be after my points..."

"As long as we avoid them we'll be able to succeed" [m/n] said and Uraraka nodded in agreement

"Besides, I'd rather team up with someone I'm friends with" she smiled brightly and at that Midoriya got a heart squeeze. "woah! your face is really ugly right now!"

"anyways we need one more person" [m/n] commented, the three ended up in front of Iida. Midoriya already began explaining the idea he had in mind with Iida at the front, but before he could finish Iida stopped him, declining to join the group, because he also sees Midoriya as a rival. Then he walked away joining his team with, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Todoroki. [m/n] watched as Iida walked away, his eyes eventually landing on Todoroki, Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes landed on his [e/c] ones watching him intensely. this cause [m/n] to flinch a little as he turned his head away a small hint of pink present on his face, luckily for him neither Midoriya nor Uraraka noticed, but another pair of red fiery eyes caught this.

"who'll be our last member..." Midoriya said as his eyes started to wonder around, noticing that everyone's gathered into their little groups, eventually finding the member "...You"

"NOW RAISE UP YOUR WARCRIES!! AND FIRE THE SIGNAL!!" everyone got in formation (okay ladies now let's get in formation!... don't judge) Uraraka and [m/n] were the back, Tokoyami the horse, and Midoriya the rider.

"Uraraka!" Midoriya called out






"Glad to be with you!!" and as soon the whistle blew everyone turned around and prepared to get Midoriya's team with determination to get the 10 million points

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