{23} Team Midoriya, [m/n], and Bakugou

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So obviously this will be different from how it was in the real episode so... (sorry for any mistake, just ignore them lol) enjoy~

**3rd Person's POV

"Team Midoriya, [m/n], and Bakugou, Practical exam. Ready go" The large doors opened and the three boys stepped in and then they shut with a large bang. Midoriya looked over at Bakugou to see him glaring at him, while [m/n] gazed forward trying to pick up All Might's scent and footsteps. Midoriya was about to say something to Bakugou but the explosive blonde just walked ahead ignoring him. Midoriya gulped and ran after him with [m/n] following next to him. Bakugou stomped ahead of them as the two stayed far behind.

"Midoriya-san, what do we do?" [m/n] whispered "I can't pick up on All Might's scent or hear him so it's safe to say he's not near us for now. But we have to think of a plan of some kind"

"un" Midoriya nodded "the three of us are a team, so we have to work together to make this work" Midoriya sweat dropped, then he ran up to Bakugou "K-Kacchan, for this exam, the teacher is the villain and we're the heroes, so we need to keep in mind the villain's combat ability and choose whether either to fight or run. But in our case, the villain is All Might and even with three of us fighting against him it's dangerous. I think it's a really bad idea--" Bakugou just speed up leaving Midoriya but he ran back to him "wait, kacchan"

"Bakugou-san, listen"

"Stop following me!" he snapped making the two stop for a second before going after him again

"I-if we keep going straight All Might will probably be waiting for us, we should take a detour--"

"why should we run away?" he growled "it'd definitely be better if we beat him up!"

"W-We can't just beat him up, he won't give in so easily" [m/n] spoke out "let's come up with a plan

"W-We should avoid combat if we can no matter what!" Midoriya added

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!" the two stopped and watched Bakugou stomp ahead once more

"why won't he just listen" [m/n] exhaled "does he hate us that much?"

"it really is hard for us to deal with Kacchan" Midoriya frowned and ran up to the ash blonde once more "who do you think All Might is!?" [m/n] was a bit shocked but began running to catch up to them "Even with the handicap, you can't win against him!" Bakugou let out a growled, he turned around slammed his gullet into Midoriya's face causing him to fly back and slammed unto the ground with a loud 'GAH!'

"Midoriya-san!!" [m/n] rushed to him and helped him sit up, Midoriya was holding his nose "What are you do--"

"Don't say another word" [m/n] flinched, his tail and ears perked up in alert, Bakugou had a really scary face right now "Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk. It's pissing me off!" Bakugou began stomping off again

"wait, Kacchan! I'm saying this so we can pass the test!" but he kept stomping away "Listen, Kacchan!"

"I told you! your power isn't needed to pass--!!"

"Stop yelling!!" Midoriya yelled back "this is why we can never have a real conversation!!" [m/n]'s ears twitched

"URUSAI!!!" the two went silent, [m/n]'s never yelled at any off them before, even to Bakugou, let alone Midoriya "arguing won't help us now! we need-- shit! He's coming!" before he could get up there was a huge gush of wind, it was so powerful that it wrecked the buildings, bent the bridge, cars we're destroyed and sent all three of them flying back. "All Might" [m/n] whimpered 

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