{40} What the Fluff...!?

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**3rd person's POV

[m/n] woke up the next morning in a room that definitely wasn't his and panic rose in his chest Oh no! Not another kidnapping! He tried to move and stand up but there was a weight on him, he looked down and someone's arm was wrapped around his waist. Hold up... I looked up and saw Todoroki fast asleep, with his mouth slightly parted, breathing lighting and evenly. Within a few seconds he remembered that he had slept over at Todoroki's room, oh, and they were dating now... oh. Then the very vivid memories of them making out came rushing back into his mind and in record time his entire face began glowing a bright pink. He felt so embarrassed but extremely happy at the time.

"Stop moving..." Todoroki suddenly groaned in a husky morning voice

"y-you're awake"

"No i'm not" he cuddled into [m/n] even more, almost crushing him but he didn't mind. He liked that Todoroki got clingy like this, he was the only one that would see this side of him and he's not gonna lie, that made him feel special. "By the way... are we gonna like, tell the class about... us?"

"...whatever you want, I don't really care" Todoroki shrugged, all he wanted was just to go back to sleep because it is still too damn early for him to even be awake.

"then... let's not tell them, not yet at least. I don't think I can handle the teasing right now, knowing them they won't go easy."

"But you'll tell Midoriya?"

"Obviously" [m/n] giggled "he'd probably figure it out even before I tell" Todoroki then mumbled something under his breathe that [m/n] couldn't understand "cute" he mumbled under breathe


"you—" [m/n] sighed "I'll head back to my room now" after more inner dialogue and conflict he decided to kiss Todoroki on the cheek "bye"

"See you soon" Todoroki gave [m/n]'s waist a gentle squeeze before letting him head out.

After [m/n] left Todoroki's room went into his room he flopped on his bed and screamed into the pillow while frantically kicking his legs. I can't believe that happened! I am actually dating Todoroki fucking Shoto! After calming down he got up from his bed and got ready for school. When he was done he went over to Midoriya's room and saw a paper that said 'under house arrest' on his name sign huh? He knocked on the door but there was no answer. So he went down stairs and saw him and Bakugou vacuuming the floor in their common area.

"Are you're guys under house arrest??" [m/n] asked "Izuku, how will I survive school without you!?" [m/n] whined "what did you guys do last night!?"

"We kinda had a fight" Midoriya laughed nervously, at the same time others came down and heard him.

"EHHH!?" They all shrieked.

"you guys fought!?... and now you're under house arrest?!" Ashido screeched

"That's dumb."

"It's nonsense."

"Are you stupid."

"The pinnacle of stupidity." Bakugou was already shaking in annoyance

"Guys, please stop insulting them" [m/n] pleaded "I'm sure they... had their reasons..." Iida and Uraraka walked over to [m/n] who was already standing in front of Midoriya.

"So, did you guys make up?" Uraraka asked

"It wasn't so much, 'make up' as... hmmm, it's hard to put it into words"

"You're lucky you got away with house arrest" Iida scolded "that means you two will miss the opening ceremony we're going to now."

"Don't worry, Izuku i'll tell you everything they talked about and i'll share my notes with you from class and we can train together if we learn any new stuff in hero course."

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