{Epilogue 5} A Day in the Life of a Pro... Kinda

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**3rd person's POV

Ever since the incident a few months back [m/n] has been getting more media attention than he was used to. Kirishima informed him his that his fan club now had almost 2000 members and several tv stations and magazine were reaching out to Gang Orca's agency to get [m/n] to come for interviews and photoshoots.

At first he had declined all the offers but once it was clear they wouldn't let up he agreed to them. He suspected that they just wanted him because a lot of people were simply curious about him, so once he answered their questions he would no longer be of interest to them. And could finally go back to being in the shadows.

"I really don't get how you guys can handle this" [m/n] was whining to the phone to Todoroki as he got ready for his first interview. He was back stage with hair and make up done and would be going live in a few minutes. "I'm really nervous, what if I say something really dumb"

"Don't worry, just be yourself" Todoroki chuckled

"If I was being myself I wouldn't be here in the first place" [m/n] sighed

"You're handling all this really well, you even did a photoshoot last week right?"

"Oh jeez, I haven't even seen it yet and I don't think I want to"

"I'm sure you look amazing" Todoroki chuckled "Sorry, I wish I could be there, I know how out of your comfort zone this is"

"No, don't worry" [m/n] shook his head "you have patrol right now, besides Izuku is here so I'll be fine"

"Hn, don't think about it too hard, and if they ask you a question you don't wanna answer you are allowed to say no."

"Yeah, ok" [m/n] nodded, slowly exhaling, he noticed one of the producers waving to him letting him know he had to go on "I gotta go now"

"Good luck, love you"

"Hmh love you" [m/n] sighed before hanging up

"You ready, [m/n]-kun?" Midoriya walked up to him

"No." [m/n] deadpanned causing Midoriya to laugh

"I was super nervous for my first interview too, but you'll get used to it after a couple more times"

"I was hoping this would be it" [m/n] whined

"Raid-san, it's time" the producers called to him

"Good luck!" Midoriya patted his back as the producer led [m/n] past the curtains, unto the stage were there were two armchairs, an interviewer occupying on of them, a table in-between them, several cameras and lighting equipment set up and a live studio audience that began applauding as [m/n] walked in.

[m/n] took a sit on the empty armchair and smiled at the interviewer who smiled back at him. A 10 second countdown began and as soon as it hit 1 the camera began rolling.

"Good morning everyone!" She greeted enthusiastically "today we have a special guest that everyone has been dying to hear from! A raising star, Raid-san!" With that the audience began applauding and cheering, [m/n] smiled, trying his best not to look so awkward. "Thank you for agreeing to this interview, I'm sure many of your fans are tuning in from home as well" she pointed towards the camera

"O-Oh thanks for having me" he slightly bowed his head and waved at the camera

"So, Raid-san, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself first?"

"Um, well, I'm almost 22, I was mostly an underground hero before all this happened" he scratched his nape as he listing things off "Uh— I like to draw..." [m/n] trialed off for a moment "Sorry, this is my first interview I'm not sure what people want to know" he chuckled nervously

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