{8} Mutation

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**3rd Person POV

Class 1-A is now having their department of heroics course, [m/n] staring intensely with sparkles in his eyes at Aizawa as he his speaking to them

"It was decided you'll be supervised by a three-man team, me, all might, and somebody else" Aizawa said to them Yatta! Aizawa-sensei will be coming with us! [m/n] bounced in his seat, luckily for him, only Todoroki noticed it

"Sensei! What'll we be doing?" Sero asked, then Aizawa pulled out a card with rescue written on it 

"Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster. It's a trial of rescue" Aizawa said.

"Trial of rescue... sounds a bit difficult this time around..." Kaminari says

"Totally!" Ashido agrees

"c'mon dumbass, that's what a hero's whole job is! I'm chomping at the bit!" Kirishima joked with Kaminari "[m/n], you excited for this!?"

"o-oh, yeah... I guess" [m/n] looked down, a small hint of pink on his cheek. K-Kawaii Kirishima blushed

"If it's a flood, then that enviroment's my specialty, Ribbit, Ribbit" Asui croaked

"Don't get ahead of yourselves." Aizawa suddenly said, then he gave us out uniforms, telling us he can choose to wear it or not, and we will be getting there by bus.

We were making our way towards the buses, [m/n] and Midoriya walking side by side

"You excited Midoriya-san?" I played with my scarf

"Yeah, this is another chance to prove that we can be hero, let's do our best!" Midoriya lifted up his fist and [m/n] returned it with his fist as they fist bumped, then they saw Uraraka

"How come you're in your gym clothes, Deku-kun?"

"My costume got tattered during the battle training" Midoriya explained  "The repairs are already being handled by the support company so I'm just waiting for them"

"In order to get everyone seated smoothly on the bus, file into two lines according to your number." Iida order them. This dude... even got a whistle [m/n] sweat dropped

"Iida's at full throttle" Midoriya sweat dropped. Unfortunately for Iida it didn't end up being the type of bus he expected it to be and he didn't take it so well.

"So it ended up being this kind of bus anyways!!" he held his head down in distress. due to this[m/n] ended up sitting next to Bakugou. He was sitting on the ally seat with Bakugou by the window. [m/n] wasn't paying attention to the conversation happening in front of him, he was just spacing out until he hear Kirishima mention Bakugou and Todoroki

"If we're talking about the double whammy of flashy and strong, you can't not mention Todoroki and Bakugou!" he said making Bakugou and [m/n] pay attention, with Bakugou 'tch' ing at the comment

"Bakugou's always fuming. so he won't be very popular" Asui stated

"YOU BITCH! I'LL BE POPULAR, TOO!!" He yelled at her as he stood up griping the bar

"See?" Asui said as he pointed to the explosion boy

"It's only been a short while that we've known each other and yet we already pretty much know your personality is like turd getting steamed in a sewer" Kaminari said making Bakugou even more upset and [m/n] leaning further away.

"We're almost there. Settle down already." Aizawa said

"Yes sir!"

"Ne, I've been wondering, [n/l/n]!" Kirirshima suddenly said "you don't have a quirk right? how did you get into U.A. who trained you?!" Kirishima asked enthusiastically and [m/n] flinched

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