{43} You make up 40% of my priorities

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**[m/n]'s POV

After so much had happened since we started school it feels so weird to have our usual schedule and have everything go back to being normal. We were currently in Aizawa-sensei's class and as usual I was paying close attention to what he was saying, especially since he was talking about the work study.

"About the hero work studies that are like a more serious version of the internships, were you go where the pro heroes work and help them. We talked about them at our faculty meeting yesterday and almost all the teachers, including the principle, thought you shouldn't do them."



"Even after having a big meeting about it?!" Kirishima-san argued

"But thinking about why we ended up in the dorms in the first place, I guess it kinda makes sense" Kaminari-san said as he played with Ojiro-san's tail

"Serves you right!" Bakugou-san exclaimed as he slammed his hands victoriously against the table

So petty I sighed

"But some think that we won't be able to raise strong heroes with our current policies" Aizawa-sensei continued "so we came to the decision that first years will only be allowed to go to agencies with a good track record of accepting work study students"

Bakugou-san's mood changed completely and he had a massive irk mark on his forehead.

"Damn it!" He shouted

Man... maybe I should just give up on going to a work study I sighed as I laid my head on the table with my arms stretched out in front of me And just focus on training more. I looked over to my side and see Izuku in deep thought, the sight made me smile to myself, he was definitely thinking about how he was gonna get a work study. Tch... I can't give up without looking first.

"i wonder which agency would accept me though..."i mumble to myself


Once class was over and it was time for lunch I went over to Izuku's desk so we could go together.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked

"Actually, I'm gonna go talked to All Might about something first" he says as he gets up "i'll meet you there"

"About work study stuff?"

"Yeah" he replied before heading out the classroom and towards the teachers office to find All Might.

"Let's go?" I jumped at the sudden voice that appears behind me, I whipped my head around and my nerves relaxed when I saw it was Todoroki-san "sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

"It's fine" I shook my head with a small smile one my face "let's go" We very casually walked together to lunch, and by casually, I mean Todoroki-san left zero to no space between us. And a few eyes were staring, some glaring but I tried not to focus on them. Like I said before other's opinions doesn't and shouldn't matter to me. Especially in moments like this.


All our classes were finally over and we could now head back to the dorms, the days have been really dragging themselves out, especially since things weren't as hectic anymore.

"[l/n]" Aizawa-sensei called out to me once he dismissed class


"Come with me to my office" Oh no... am I in trouble!?

"U-Uh right... ok" I grabbed my stuff and exited the classroom after Aizawa-sensei, as we were walking down the hall I was trailing closely behind him, keeping my head low and my hands clutching tightly to the straps on my backpack, I could hear my heart beating in chest clearly. I didn't understand what I was so nervous about, it's not like I even did anything wrong.

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