{25} I only swim Free

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**3rd person POV

U.A. high school has finished all the classes for the first semester and started summer vacation. But that didn't mean they had time to play. To prepare for the upcoming training in the woods. They continue their independent training.

Midoriya was currently sitting on his bed, lifting weights, with [m/n] there with him as well. The wolf hybrid boy was doing push ups in one corner of the room.

"Can you see that?" the man from the video where all might saved hundreds of people from a disaster said "he's already saved a hundred people! that's crazy! it hasn't even been ten minutes! That's crazy!" All might came emerging from the flames carrying unconscious civilians, and laughing his signature laugh "He's laughing!"

"It's fine now, why?" the pro said "Because I am here!"

"you really like this video don't you?" [m/n] came up from behind when he was done with his set. Midoriya chuckled 

"Yeah... there are still times when I can't believe it... That All Might acknowledged me and transferred his quirk to me..." [m/n] smiled at him

"looking back to where we both started, we've come so far, sometimes I worry if I'll wake up from this dream" [m/n] laughed and Midoriya smiled. 

*ding dong~*

the door bell rang pulling the two out of their thoughts, they went to open the door and weren't expecting to see these two boys

"Kaminari-kun, Mineta-kun?" Midoriya was surprised, [m/n] gave a small bow at the two

"Yo, Midoriya, [l/n]" Kaminari said

"Let's go to the pool!"

"the pool?" they both said

"yeah, before the summer training camp--" Kaminari began

"let's train together!" Mineta finished, Midoriya and [m/n] blinked a few times at the two before looking at each other

"sounds like fun, don't you think, Midoriya-san" [m/n] said

"yeah, we'll go change" Midoriya said "[m/n]-kun you can wear some of my clothes" Midoriya as he closed the door, [m/n] nodded.

Kaminari and Mineta looked at each other, the words that Midoriya said to [m/n] repeating in their minds

[m/n]-kun, you can wear some of my clothes

"w-what type of relationship do those to have?" Mineta said

"they are really, really close... do you think they're...." Mineta looked at Kaminari

"Naaaah" they both said simultaneously  


Once the for arrived at school they went into the teachers office, in there was Aizawa and Vlad king, a pro hero.

"Excuse us" Mineta said

"what is it, you four?" Vlad king asked

"Aizawa-sensei, about the form we turned in the day before yesterday to use the pool..." Kaminari explained

"oh right, the school granted permission. You can use the pool until 5 p.m." 

"Hai!" Kaminari yelp in joy and bowed

"Arigatogozaimasu" Mineta followed, then Midoriya and [m/n] bowed

"You said you wanted to use the pool for endurance training, right?" Aizawa said "Do your best"

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